
139 Titles
Book cover On the margins: poetry that cuts through the city

On the margins: : poetry that cuts through the city

Thay Gadelha (ed), A Peagá (Bicha Poética) (ed), Fran Nascimento (ed)
March 1, 2022
Book cover Urban and environmental dynamics, social representations and teaching practices
Geografia em Debate, volume 3

Urban and environmental dynamics, social representations and teaching practices

Andrea Lourdes Monteiro Scabello (ed), Bartira Araújo da Silva Viana (ed), Iracilde Maria de Moura Fé Lima (ed), Raimundo Lenilde de Araújo (ed)
March 1, 2022
Book cover Education for safe care: the (trans)formative role of the University

Education for safe care: : the (trans)formative role of the University

Glícia Uchôa Gomes Mendonça (ed), Jayana Castelo Branco Cavalcante de Meneses (ed), José Gerfeson Alves (ed)
February 1, 2022
Cover from head to toe

From head to toe: the aesthetics of cangaço

Luciano Gutembergue Bonfim
December 1, 2021
Book cover PROTAGONISM AND YOUTH: university extension in evidence

PROTAGONISM AND YOUTH: : university extension in evidence

Natália Bastos Ferreira Tavares (ed), José Adelmo da Silva Filho (ed), Vinicius Rodrigues de Oliveira (ed)
December 1, 2021
Capa Ebook 2021 - MELO; OLIVEIRA; DAMASCENO - O sistema literário no século XX

The Literary System in the 20th Century: from Lima to Carolina

Ana Amélia de Moura Cavalcante de Melo (ed), Irenísia Torres de Oliveira (ed), Kedma Janaina Freitas Damasceno (ed)
October 1, 2021
Book cover Integral and complementary practices: multidisciplinary reports and research

Integrative and complementary practices:: reports and research multidisciplinary

Fernanda Pimentel de Oliveira (ed), Francisca Lucélia Ribeiro de Farias (ed), Maria Raquel da Silva Lima (ed)
October 1, 2021
Cover of the book Paths and paths: paths and confluences in cultural geography

Routes and trajectories: paths and confluences in cultural geography

Caio Augusto Amorim Maciel (ed), Emilio Tarlis Mendes Pontes (ed), Priscila Batista Vasconcelos (ed)
October 1, 2021
Capa Segurança Alimentar, Inovação e Sustentabilidade

Food Security, Innovation and Sustainability

Mirele da Silveira Vasconcelos (ed), Ana Cristina da Silva Morais (ed), Alisandra Cavalcante Fernandes de Almeida (ed), Maria do Socorro de Assis Braun (ed), Josefranci Moraes de Farias Fonteles (ed)
October 1, 2021
Capa Ebook 2021 - MESQUITA - A cantoria nas ondas das rádios AM de Camocim
Série História Camocinense: Tomo 1, Volume 2

Singing on the airwaves of Camocim's AM radios: political and cultural relations (1979-1989)

Maely Alves Mesquita
September 1, 2021
Capa História Política de Sobral
Série Padre Lira, Volume 2

Political history of Sobral: in the time of Prado and Barreto (1963-96)

Edvanir Maia da Silveira
September 1, 2021
Capa Miolo de Pote
História Camocinense, volume 1, tomo 2

Pot kernels: ten years of the blog “Camocim Pote de Histórias” (2011-2021)

Carlos Augusto Pereira dos Santos
September 1, 2021
Capa Ebook 2021 - PESSOA; SANTOS - Camocim respirava esse ar de música
Série História Camocinense: Tomo 1, Volume 1

Camocim breathed that air of music: history and memory of music festivals in Camocim-CE (1986-2003)

Francisco da Paz Pessoa, Carlos Augusto Pereira dos Santos
September 1, 2021
Book cover Culture (so-called) Popular Challenges and possibilities for History

Culture (said) Popular : Challenges and possibilities for History

Tito Barros Leal (ed), Ana Alice Menescal (ed)
September 1, 2021
Book cover Teacher training, geography teaching and the textbook

Teacher training: I teach geography and the didactic book

Raimundo Lenilde de Araújo (ed), Maria Francineila Pinheiro dos Santos (ed), Cristina Maria Costa Leite (ed), Marcileia Oliveira Bispo (ed), Clézio dos Santos (ed)
August 1, 2021
Cover I of Us

I from us

Lucivania Soares da Costa
August 1, 2021
Capa É Proibido Ser

It is forbidden to be

Renato Joia Cha
August 1, 2021
Capa Correio da Semana - Um jornal centenário - 1918-2018

Correio da Semana: A centennial newspaper (1918-2018)

Carlos Augusto Pereira dos Santos (ed), Francisco Dênis Melo (ed)
August 1, 2021
Book cover Lives: world of work in the pandemic.

Lives: : world of work in the pandemic

Telma Bessa Sales (ed), Carlos Augusto Pereira dos Santos (ed), Antonio Jerfson Lins de Freitas (ed)
August 1, 2021
Capa Formação de professores e experiências em tempos de pandemia

Teacher training and experiences in times of pandemic

Carlos Alberto Vasconcelos (ed)
May 1, 2021
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