139 Titles
Geografia em Debate, volume 3
Urban and environmental dynamics, social representations and teaching practices
March 1, 2022
Série História Camocinense: Tomo 1, Volume 2
Singing on the airwaves of Camocim's AM radios: political and cultural relations (1979-1989)
September 1, 2021
História Camocinense, volume 2, tomo 2
After midnight: extraordinary experiences in tales, legends and myths that narrate the daily life of Camocim-CE (1950-1969)
September 1, 2021
Série Padre Lira, Volume 2
Political history of Sobral: in the time of Prado and Barreto (1963-96)
September 1, 2021
História Camocinense, volume 1, tomo 2
Pot kernels: ten years of the blog “Camocim Pote de Histórias” (2011-2021)
September 1, 2021
Série História Camocinense: Tomo 1, Volume 1
Camocim breathed that air of music: history and memory of music festivals in Camocim-CE (1986-2003)
September 1, 2021