
118 Titles
Capa Ebook 2021 - MESQUITA - A cantoria nas ondas das rádios AM de Camocim
Série História Camocinense: Tomo 1, Volume 2

Singing on the airwaves of Camocim's AM radios: political and cultural relations (1979-1989)

Maely Alves Mesquita
September 1, 2021
Book cover Culture (so-called) Popular Challenges and possibilities for History

Culture (said) Popular : Challenges and possibilities for History

Tito Barros Leal (ed), Ana Alice Menescal (ed)
September 1, 2021
Capa História Política de Sobral
Série Padre Lira, Volume 2

Political history of Sobral: in the time of Prado and Barreto (1963-96)

Edvanir Maia da Silveira
September 1, 2021
Capa Miolo de Pote
História Camocinense, volume 1, tomo 2

Pot kernels: ten years of the blog “Camocim Pote de Histórias” (2011-2021)

Carlos Augusto Pereira dos Santos
September 1, 2021
Capa Ebook 2021 - PESSOA; SANTOS - Camocim respirava esse ar de música
Série História Camocinense: Tomo 1, Volume 1

Camocim breathed that air of music: history and memory of music festivals in Camocim-CE (1986-2003)

Francisco da Paz Pessoa, Carlos Augusto Pereira dos Santos
September 1, 2021
Book cover Lives: world of work in the pandemic.

Lives: : world of work in the pandemic

Telma Bessa Sales (ed), Carlos Augusto Pereira dos Santos (ed), Antonio Jerfson Lins de Freitas (ed)
August 1, 2021
Cover I of Us

I from us

Lucivania Soares da Costa
August 1, 2021
Capa É Proibido Ser

It is forbidden to be

Renato Joia Cha
August 1, 2021
Capa Correio da Semana - Um jornal centenário - 1918-2018

Correio da Semana: A centennial newspaper (1918-2018)

Carlos Augusto Pereira dos Santos (ed), Francisco Dênis Melo (ed)
August 1, 2021
Book cover Teacher training, geography teaching and the textbook

Teacher training: I teach geography and the didactic book

Raimundo Lenilde de Araújo (ed), Maria Francineila Pinheiro dos Santos (ed), Cristina Maria Costa Leite (ed), Marcileia Oliveira Bispo (ed), Clézio dos Santos (ed)
August 1, 2021
Cover of the book Dialogues on the Dictatorship
Serie Território Científico: Volume 1

Dialogues about the Dictatorship

Antonio Jerfson Lins de Freitas (ed), João Teófilo (ed), Viviane Prado Bezerra (ed)
March 1, 2021
Capa Configuração espacial de Alagoas

Spatial configuration of Alagoas

Paulo Rogério de Freitas Silva
February 1, 2021
Cover of the book Teaching and Training of Geography Teachers
Geografia do Semiárido, Volume 2

Teaching and Training of Geography Teachers: Experiences in the Brazilian Semiarid Region and in Portugal

Glauciana Alves Teles (ed), Sérgio Claudino (ed), José Falcão Sobrinho (ed)
December 1, 2020
Book cover Political culture and uses of the past
Coleção História e Historiografia Volume 9

political culture and uses of the past

Jailson Pereira da Silva (ed)
December 1, 2020
Layer book History and Historiography Research experiences
Coleção História e Historiografia Volume 11

History and Historiography : Research Experiences

Gilberto Gilvan Souza Oliveira (ed), Raquel da Silva Alves (ed)
December 1, 2020
Cover of the book Approaches and themes of Physical Geography

Approaches and themes of Physical geography

Cláudia Maria Sabóia de Aquino (ed), Francisco Jonh Lennon Tavares da Silva (ed)
December 1, 2020
History, Memory and Historiography book cover
Coleção História e Historiografia Volume 3

History, Memory and historiography

Francisco Régis Lopes Ramos (ed)
December 1, 2020
Capa Bacias Hidrográficas e Estudos Ambientais no Semiárido
Geografia do Semiárido, Volume 3

Hydrographic Basins and Environmental Studies in the Semiarid: Hydrographic Basins and Environmental Studies in the Semiarid

Ernane Cortez Lima (ed), Cláudia Maria Sabóia de Aquino (ed)
December 1, 2020
Book cover Intellectuals, uses of the past and teaching History
Coleção História e Historiografia Volume 7

Intellectuals, uses of past and teaching History

Kleiton Sousa de Moraes (ed)
December 1, 2020
Capa livro História da saúde e das religiões
Coleção História e Historiografia Volume 10

Health history and religions

Cláudia Freitas de Oliveira (ed)
December 1, 2020
Dictatorship book cover, historical sources and uses of the past
Coleção História e Historiografia Volume 1

Dictatorship, fonts history and uses from past

Meize Regina de Lucena Lucas (ed)
December 1, 2020
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