
45 Titles

Academic works that fall within the Geography research area.

All Books

Capa Monsenhor José Furtado Cavalcanti

Monsignor José Furtado Cavalcanti: his life story in the history of Meruoca

José Wellington Lúcio Soares, Francisco Edson Lúcio Soares
January 1, 2020
Capa Abordagens multifacetadas do ensino

Multifaceted approaches to teaching: research and experiences

Carlos Alberto Vasconcelos , Raquel Torres de Brito Silva
October 1, 2024
Geografia em Debate, volume 4

Nature and Society: Multiple Geographical Views

Cláudia Maria Sabóia de Aquino (ed), Edvania Gomes de Assis Silva (ed), Mugiany Oliveira Brito Portela (ed)
March 1, 2022
Capa Anais EGACE

PROCEEDINGS - 1st Meeting of Agrarian Geography of Ceará – Dilemmas of the Agrarian Space of Ceará: Land and Water for what?

Camila Dutra dos Santos, Francisco Amaro Gomes de Alencar, José Levi Furtado Sampaio
July 1, 2024
Capa Anais II SNEG

Proceedings of the II National Seminar on Geographic Education: Teacher Training, Teaching Methodologies

Glauciana Alves Teles (ed), José Falcão Sobrinho (ed), Virgínia Célia Cavalcante de Holanda (ed)
November 1, 2023
Cover of the book Paths and paths: paths and confluences in cultural geography

Routes and trajectories: paths and confluences in cultural geography

Caio Augusto Amorim Maciel (ed), Emilio Tarlis Mendes Pontes (ed), Priscila Batista Vasconcelos (ed)
October 1, 2021
Capa Atlas Geográfico Escolar

School Geographic Atlas - São José do Seridó: my place in the world

João Eduardo Azevedo da Costa, Josimar Araújo de Medeiros, Diógenes Félix da Silva Costa
December 1, 2023
Capa do livro Estudos socioambientais: diferentes abordagens sobre o Piauí e o Maranhão
Geografia em Debate: Volume 7

socio-environmental studies: different approaches on Piauí and Maranhão

Raimundo Lenilde de Araújo (ed), Armstrong Miranda Evangelista (ed), Andréa Lourdes Monteiro Scabello (ed)
May 1, 2023
Book cover Soils and Vegetation in the Semi-Arid Environment uses and potential
Geografia do Semiárido, Volume 5

Soils and Vegetation in the Semi-Arid Environment : uses and potential

Elnatan Bezerra de Souza (ed), José Falcão Sobrinho (ed), Marizia Pereira (ed)
December 1, 2020
Capa Configuração espacial de Alagoas

Spatial configuration of Alagoas

Paulo Rogério de Freitas Silva
February 1, 2021
Cover of the book Studies in Geotechnology: Research and Teaching

Studies in geotechnology: research and teaching

Karoline Veloso Ribeiro (ed), Emanuel Lindemberg Silva Albuquerque (ed)
August 1, 2022
Book cover Teacher training, geography teaching and the textbook

Teacher training: I teach geography and the didactic book

Raimundo Lenilde de Araújo (ed), Maria Francineila Pinheiro dos Santos (ed), Cristina Maria Costa Leite (ed), Marcileia Oliveira Bispo (ed), Clézio dos Santos (ed)
August 1, 2021
Capa Formação de professores e experiências em tempos de pandemia

Teacher training and experiences in times of pandemic

Carlos Alberto Vasconcelos (ed)
May 1, 2021
Cover of the book Teaching and Training of Geography Teachers
Geografia do Semiárido, Volume 2

Teaching and Training of Geography Teachers: Experiences in the Brazilian Semiarid Region and in Portugal

Glauciana Alves Teles (ed), Sérgio Claudino (ed), José Falcão Sobrinho (ed)
December 1, 2020
Capa Ensino da cidade de Teresina 2

Teaching in the City of Teresina: Socio-spatial inequality and types of housing

Bartira Araújo da Silva Viana (ed), Mugiany Oliveira Brito Portela (ed), Roberto Célio Valadão (ed)
March 1, 2024
Capa A Natureza do Vale do Acaraú
Geografia do Semiárido, Volume 7

The nature of the Acaraú Valley: a look through the windings of the relief

José Falcão Sobrinho
December 1, 2020
Book cover Trajectories of researchers and studies of medium-sized cities in perspective
Serie Território Científico: Volume 2

Trajectories of researchers and studies of medium-sized cities in perspective

Virginia Celia Cavalcante de Holanda (ed), Luiz Antônio Araújo Gonçalves (ed), Antônio Jerfson Lins de Freitas (ed)
April 1, 2022
Book cover Urban and environmental dynamics, social representations and teaching practices
Geografia em Debate, volume 3

Urban and environmental dynamics, social representations and teaching practices

Andrea Lourdes Monteiro Scabello (ed), Bartira Araújo da Silva Viana (ed), Iracilde Maria de Moura Fé Lima (ed), Raimundo Lenilde de Araújo (ed)
March 1, 2022
Geografia em Debate, volume 5

Urban-environmental dynamics and teacher training in the geographic space of Piauí

Andrea Lourdes Monteiro Scabello (ed), Bartira Araújo da Silva Viana (ed), Emanuel Lindemberg Silva Albuquerque (ed)
March 1, 2022
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