Geography teaching and assessment


Raimundo Lenilde de Araújo (ed)
Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)
Lineu Aparecido Paz e Silva (ed)
Instituto Histórico e Geográfico de Alto Longá-PI


geography, teaching-geography, evaluation-geography


Geography Teaching and Assessment represent many possibilities for discussions about the reality surrounding teaching work, both in the context of the university and the school. When considering this approach, the texts presented in this publication show different theoretical and methodological interpretations, developed by professors and researchers. In this sense, the authors' texts are presented to us as the result of a set of investigations and discussions about the evaluation process and its relationship with the Teaching of Geography.


  • The evaluation practices of geography teachers in Rio de Janeiro
    Ana Claudia Ramos Sacramento, Caroline Pinho de Araújo, Josilene Ferreira de Farias
  • The formative assessment of learning in basic education
    challenges for an emancipatory education
    Denise Mota Pereira da Silva, Cristina Maria Costa Leite
  • Constructive assessment - by geographic facilities
    Emerson Ribeiro
  • Evaluation practice of supervisory professors of the institutional scholarship program of initiation to teaching - PIBID Geography of UFPI in Teresina-PI
    Francisco José da Silva Santos, Raimundo Lenilde de Araújo
  • Assessment process in geography
    conception and experiences of teachers from Alto Longá-PI
    Lineu Aparecido Paz e Silva, Raimundo Lenilde de Araújo
  • the specificity of evaluating from concepts and competences in high school
    the specificity of evaluating from concepts and competences in high school
    Lucas Gabriel da Silva

Author Biographies

Raimundo Lenilde de Araújo, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

Postdoctorado en Enseñanza de la Geografía/Educación Ambiental (2018/UFC). Doctorado en Educación Brasileña (2012/UFC). Maestría en Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente (2003/UFC). Especialista en Enseñanza de la Geografía (1993/UECE). Licenciado en Geografía - Grado (1989/UECE). Profesor Efectivo, Adjunto Clase IV, en la Universidad Federal de Piauí (UFPI), adscrito a la Jefatura del Curso de Geografía (CCGO) y Actividad Profesional, en la Licenciatura en Geografía y en el Programa de Posgrado en Geografía/Maestría en Geografía; Evaluador de Cursos Institucionales y Superiores de Geografía en SINAES BASis/MEC. Participación de Comisiones y Directorios en el ámbito de la UFPI. Tiene experiencia en el área de Geografía con énfasis en Geografía Humana, principalmente en Geografía Urbana, Historia del Pensamiento Geográfico, Pasantía Curricular para la Enseñanza de la Geografía, Historia de la Disciplina Geografía; metodologías de enseñanza de la geografía; Currículo y Enseñanza de la Geografía y Educación Ambiental. Orienta los Trabajos de Terminación para la Supervisión de Prácticas de Pregrado, Posgrado y Postdoctorado, trabajando principalmente en los siguientes temas: Ciudades, Urbanización, Medio Ambiente, Educación y Prácticas Supervisadas, Metodología, Currículo, Evolución de la Enseñanza de la Geografía, Formación de Profesores para la Enseñanza de la Geografía, Evaluación y Enseñanza de la Geografía y Educación Ambiental. Fue coordinador del Subproyecto - PIBID/ Geografía, del 03/2014 al 02/2018. También es el coordinador general de la Feria de Profesiones de la UFPI desde julio de 2013. Ha supervisado varios Trabajos de Finalización de Grado (TCC), Especialización (Monografías) y Maestría (Disertaciones), así como Supervisión de Prácticas Postdoctorales. Participación en las Juntas Examinadoras de Grado y Postgrado. También participó en comisiones juzgadoras de concursos públicos y procesos de selección. Tiene experiencia en Comité de Ética en Investigación/CEP. Tiene participación efectiva en varios eventos nacionales e internacionales, participando también en articulaciones académicas entre universidades brasileñas como: UFG, UFC, UnB, UFPB, UESPI e internacionales como: Universidad de Lisboa en Portugal y Universidad de Valencia en España. Ejerció la función de coordinador de Graduación en Geografía en la UFPI - Licenciatura, de 04/2012 a 04/2016. Entre abril de 2017 y abril de 2019, se desempeñó como subcoordinador del Programa de Posgrado en Geografía/PPGGEO de la UFPI. Desde abril de 2019 es coordinador del Programa de Posgrado en Geografía-PPGGEO/UFPI. Es líder del Grupo de Investigación Geografía, Enseñanza y Currículo - GEODOC, Geografía/UFPI. Participa del Grupo de Investigación en Formación Docente, Historia y Política Educativa/GPFOHPE, Educación/UFC; el Centro de Enseñanza e Investigación en Educación Geográfica/NEPEG, Geografía/UFG y el Grupo de Investigación en Enseñanza de la Geografía, Geografía/UFRN. Fundador y actual coordinador del Laboratorio de Formación de Profesores y Enseñanza de Geografía/LAFODEG, Geografía/UFPI. También imparte charlas motivacionales sobre profesiones y temas relacionados con la Geografía.

Lineu Aparecido Paz e Silva, Instituto Histórico e Geográfico de Alto Longá-PI

PhD in Geography from the University of Brasília (UnB). Master in Geography (UFPI). Specialist in Environmental Resources Management (IFPI) and Graduated in Geography (UESPI). He is currently a researcher and lifetime member of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Alto Longá-PI. He is an evaluator of journals specialized in Teaching Geography at UFSC, UNESP and UFPE. He participates as a researcher in research groups at UFPI, UnB and UFG in the area of Geography Teaching and Teacher Training. He works as a Geography teacher in Basic Education (with twelve years of experience) and in Higher Education (with eight years of experience) in face-to-face and distance education. He has experience in orientation and participation in TCC boards in the states of Piauí and Maranhão. He acts in the implementation and authorization of distance learning higher education courses in Geography, belonging to the Federal System of Higher Education. Course evaluator in Geography of the National Higher Education Evaluation System MEC/INEP. Reviewer and item maker in Human Sciences at SAEB/INEP. Presents ISBN and ISSN bibliographic production in periodicals, book chapters and conference proceedings. He has experience in Geography with an emphasis on the School as a Space for Teacher Training and on the dilemmas that training in Geography involves, working mainly on the following topics: Teaching Geography, Initial and Continuing Training of Teachers in Geography, Assessment of Learning in Geography and Regulation of Higher Education in Geography.

Ana Claudia Ramos Sacramento, CTUR-UFRRJ

Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the State University of Rio de Janeiro - Faculty of Teacher Training (2002); Master in Education from the Faculty of Education of USP (2007) and PhD in Physical Geography from DG-FFLCH-USP (2012). She has experience as a teacher in public and private schools in the State of Rio de Janeiro and in the city of São Paulo. Substitute Professor at CTUR-UFRRJ. He currently works at UERJ-FFP in the Department of Geography, working in the area of Geography Teaching. She teaches classes at the Undergraduate, Specialization and Master levels, mainly in the following subjects: Geographical Education, Teacher Training, Curriculum and Didactics of Geography. Young Scientist of Our State (FAPERJ 2018-2021) and FAPERJ Project Coordinator.

Caroline Pinho de Araújo, SEDUC-Itaguaí

Degree in Geography from the Teacher Training Faculty of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (FFP/UERJ) - São Gonçalo (2011), Bachelor in Geography from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ/Maracanã) (2012). Specialist in Basic Education in the Geography Teaching line (2013) and Master in Geography by the Graduate Program in Geography at FFP/UERJ (2016). She is currently a Professor at the Municipal Education Network of Itaguaí and a postgraduate student in African and Afro-Brazilian History and Culture at the Duque de Caxias Educational Foundation (FEUDUC) in partnership with the Pretos Novos Institute (IPN ). She works in the areas of Teaching Geography and Curriculum. He is currently dedicated to the studies of the following themes: Identity, Culture, Geography Teaching Methodology, Curriculum, Afro-Brazilian Culture, Analysis and Production of Didactic Material.

Josilene Ferreira de Farias, Seduc-Maricá

Graduated in Geography from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2011). Master in Geography from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2016). She is currently a professor of Geography at the Municipal Department of Education / Municipality of Maricá. She is dedicated to the study of the following topics: Geography Teaching, Citizenship, Curriculum and Scale.

Cristina Maria Costa Leite, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Geographer, PhD in Education, Master in Environmental Management and Specialization in Land Management and Remote Sensing. Effective professor at the University of Brasília, working in the Undergraduate in Pedagogy and in the Graduate in Geography, in the process of training teachers in the area of Geography, as well as in the analysis of issues related to the teaching/learning of this disciplinary field, in face-to-face modalities and the distance. She develops research projects related to “Identity, Territory and Landscape” in the context of the Midwest Region and the Federal District and “Education in Geography” at Elementary, Middle and Higher Education levels. She coordinates the Laboratory for Teaching and Research in Geographic Education (LEPEGEO) at the Faculty of Education at the University of Brasília. She has significant experience in works related to the Environmental Management of Indigenous Lands and Environmental Education. Specialized Technician Level 5 at the Ministry of the Environment, in the form of a temporary contract, working in the Ecological - Economic Zoning Program of the National Territory/PZEE (2003-2007), National System of Information on the Environment/SINIMA (2007-2008 ) and the National Environment Program/PNMA (2007-2010).

Denise Mota Pereira da Silva, SEESP

PhD student and Master in Geography by the Department of Geography at the University of Brasília (UnB). Professor at the State Department of Education of São Paulo/SEESP (2000 to 2012). Lato sensu Post-Graduation from UNICAMP (2007). Teacher at private schools (Colégio Educarte; Colégio gênesis-Pueri Domus Escolas Associadas; and Rede Salesiana de Escolas) in the State of SP (2005 to 2010). Teacher at the State Department of Education of the Federal District (SEEDF). Pedagogical coordinator of the final years of Elementary School (2015 and 2016). Experience in teaching/learning methodologies/strategies in Geography for Basic Education.

Emerson Ribeiro, Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA/CE)

Adjunct Professor at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA/CE). Graduated in Geography from the University of Sorocaba (UNISO) and in Pedagogy from the State University of Minas Gerais (UEMG). Master and Doctor in Geography from the University of São Paulo (USP). Postdoctoral fellow at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). Permanent professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Education at the Regional University of Cariri. Coordinator of the Geography and Creativity Research Directory, with experience in the area of Geography, with an emphasis on Human Geography and Teaching. Worked as a primary school teacher. Pedagogical Coordinator since 2001 and Director in the State of São Paulo until 2011. He works with the following themes: Urban Geography, Art and Creativity Geography, Supervised Internship and Pedagogical Practices, teacher training, geographic installation and interdisciplinarity.

Francisco José da Silva Santos, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Viçosa do Ceará

Master's student in Geography by the Graduate Program in Geography, Geography Teaching Research Line, at the Federal University of Piauí/PPGGEO/UFPI (Biennium 2019/2021). Specialist in Higher Education Teaching and School Management from Instituto Superior de Educação São Judas Tadeu/ISESJT (2018). Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí/UFPI (2016). He currently teaches in Elementary Education by the Municipal Education Department of Viçosa do Ceará. He taught for the State Department of Education of Piauí (SEDUC), working at a State Full Time Center (CETI) in the 5th Regional Education Management in Campo Maior / PI (20017-2019). He participated in the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (PIBID) by UFPI from 2014 to 2016. He was a student representative with the Collegiate of the Geography Course in 2013. He is a member and researcher of the Study Group on Geography, Teaching and Curriculum ( GEODOC/UFPI). It is close to the following thematic areas of Geography: Geography Teaching, Human Geography and Assessment in Geography Teaching.

Lucas Gabriel da Silva, SEDUC-CE

Graduated in Geography in the Full Degree modality from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte/UERN (2017). Studying Specialization in Environmental Education and Geography of the Semiarid Region, in the EaD modality, by the Institute of Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). He was a member of the Degree Consolidation Program (PRODÔCENCIA / CAPES) between 2013 and 2014. He is a member of the Geographic Education Research Group (GPEG / UERN). He was a fellow of the Geography subproject of the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarship / PIBID / CAPES (2014 to 2017). He also acted as a teacher assistant intern in the Municipal Education Network in the city of Mossoró / RN (2015/2017). He is currently a professor of Geography at the State Education Network of the State of Ceará. He teaches in high school through a temporary contract, linked to the Secretary of Education of the State of Ceará / SEDUC (15 hours a week). In 2018, he joined the Graduate Program in Geography (GEOPROF), linked to the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Professional Master's Course in Geography, in which he has been developing research related to School Geography and Learning Assessment in Teaching Average. In the research segment, he works mainly in the area of Geography Teaching, with the theme Learning Assessment.

Geography teaching and assessment book cover



December 1, 2020