History and Historiography : Research Experiences


Gilberto Gilvan Souza Oliveira (ed)
Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA)
Raquel da Silva Alves (ed)
Secretaria de Educação de Fortaleza


History, Historical research, Historiography


Book with articles produced based on posters presented at the VI International History and Historiography Seminar, with analyzes on the uses of history in educational spaces, the constitution of discourses on health, the role of public history in digital media, the formation of historian, spaces and memory disputes. The topics covered are part of reflections of a historiographical nature that involve the teaching practices of History students, the construction of social identities, oral history and public policies for historical heritage.


  • The Role of Historical Knowledge on YouTube
    Glicia Kaliane Lucas Machado de Souza, Amanda Maria da Silva Souza, Alekssiane Lima de Carvalho, Margarida Maria Dias de Oliveira
  • “What a woman wants to be”:
    an analysis of the chronicles published in Jornal das Moças about female conduct towards society from 1914-1920
    Laís Eunice Oliveira Dantas
  • Sensibilities in the Black Amazon:
    marriage between slaves in 19th century Belém
    Ruan Souza dos Santos, José Maia Bezerra Neto
  • The invention of the medieval woman and the representation of the feminine in fabliau The four wishes of Saint Martin
    Edinaldo Gonçalves Nunes Junior, Francisco Dênis Melo
  • The memory of Africa in History Teaching and the (re)construction of black identity at school
    Nathalia Cristina Alencar Souza, Vitória Carolina Valente Barros, Sidiana da Consolação Ferreira de Macedo
  • Between memory and History:
    an analysis of central toponyms in the city of Tianguá-CE (1970-2000)
    Luiz Eduardo Ferreira Santana, Telma Bessa Sales
  • Torpedoes off the Brazilian coast:
    study on the Military Police Inquiry
    Maria Thaislayne dos Santos Lino, Dilton Cândido Santos Maynard
  • Supply, routes and food products in Belém on Monday half of the 19th century
    Sidiana da Consolação Ferreira de Macedo, Elbia Cunha de Souza, Francicléia Ramos Pacheco
  • Politics and family in the backlands of Paraíba:
    the continuity of representation of Ernani Sátyro according to FUNES
    Ana Victória de Medeiros Oliveira, Laercio Teodoro da Silva
  • Paths to Scientific Initiation:
    an analysis of the historiographical production that addresses Law 10,639/03 and the National High School Exam
    Iriudsana Maria Januário da Costa, Sabrina Querem Apuque Lima Gomes de Oliveira, Jefferson Pereira da Silva
  • The hygienist doctrines and asylum policies of the Belle Époque and its reflections on the occupation of the landmark neighborhood of league
    Tainá Sousa da Costa
  • Between motherhood and teaching:
    the myth of the born educator and the woman teacher in basic education
    Karina Nazaré Oliveira de Jesus Ferreira
  • The PCB and the communist intellectual field in Latin America (1945- 1952)
    Adriano Soares Sampaio, Ana Amélia de Moura Cavalcante de Melo
  • Federal Universities of the North and Northeast of Brazil:
    a historical analysis through the Institutional Development Plan (2004-2018)
    Arianny Dantas Dutra, Carlos Daniel Alves Leal, Thiago Reisdorfer
  • The impact of participating in a university theater group on the professional trajectory of undergraduate students:
    40 years of the Tanahora theater group, from PUCPR
    Beatriz Ramos da Cruz
  • George Gardner's narratives:
    Race and Science in the first half of the century. XIX
    Chrigor Libério , Diná Schmidt
  • The heart of the city:
    the memories of the old postcard of the city of Fortaleza (1902-1991)
    Maria Daniella Alves Ramos, Pedro Gilson de Oliveira Paula Filho
  • Generating knowledge:
    a historical narrative for the Câmara Cascudo Museum
    Glicia Kaliane Lucas Machado de Souza, Margarida Maria Dias de Oliveira, Viviane Cristine Pereira Nunes, Aline Faustino da Silva
  • Brazilian Torpedoes in the Second World War (1942):
    the view of British Newspapers
    Lara Lima Resende
  • In the nuances of a motorcycle, an opposition that accelerates:
    Nuestra America through the lens of Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (1952)
    Kátia Daniela Gomes Honorato, Rômulo Rossy Leal Carvalho, Érica Lôpo Araújo
  • “The World in Reverse”:
    the imagery of Cocanha and its relationship with the culture of writing
    Francisco Dênis Melo, Francisco Victor Félix Soares
  • Study on the consequences of the 1942 submarine attacks in Sergipe
    Dilton Cândido Santos Maynard, Priscila Antônia dos Santos
  • "For great ills, great remedies":
    the “harlots”, their conflicts and daily life in the city of Crato-CE (1940-1950)
    Ravenna Rodrigues Cardoso, Simone Pereira da Silva, Maria Lucélia de Andrade
  • Servants of the Lord, missionaries of charity:
    the activities of the Vincentians in Ceará (1865-1882)
    Maria Lucélia de Andrade, Camila Gonçalves Santos
  • A UERN all ours:
    weaving an institutional memory
    Maria Clara Barbalho de Mendonça, Aryana Lima Costa
  • The establishment of the Diocese of Nazareth and the episcopate of Dom Ricardo Ramos de Castro Vilela (1919-1946)
    Vágner Hugo Calazans Silva
  • O Mobral and the voices of two Portuense subjects (1970–1985)
    Tainara Ferreira Mousinho, Benvinda Barros Dourado
  • For a social history of death:
    The cemitério as an object of study for the history of cities
    Allef Gustavo Silva dos Santos
  • Paths of Scientific Initiation:
    An analysis of the historiographical production that addresses Law 10.639/03 and the National Middle School Exam
    Iriudsana Maria Januário da Costa, Sabrina Querem Apuque Lima Gomes de Oliveira, Jefferson Pereira da Silva

Author Biographies

Gilberto Gilvan Souza Oliveira, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA)

Temporary Professor of the History Course at Vale do Acaraú State University and Student of the Postgraduate Program in History - UFC

He has a master's degree (2017) and a doctorate in Social History from the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). He works as a temporary professor of the History course at Vale do Acaraú State University and develops his research around the history of books, reading, and editorial production.

Raquel da Silva Alves, Secretaria de Educação de Fortaleza

Teacher at the Municipal Education Network of Fortaleza/CE and Graduate of the Postgraduate Program in History - UFC

She has a degree in History from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Master's (2009) and Doctorate (2015) in Social History from the same institution. She has experience in the area of History Teaching Practice, with an emphasis on History of Education, Teacher Training, History Curriculum and Teaching in higher education. She is currently a basic education teacher in the municipal education network of Fortaleza and works as a teacher trainer in the History Degree course, distance learning at the Open University of Brazil / State University of Ceará (UAB-UECE).

Glicia Kaliane Lucas Machado de Souza

Graduating in History from UFRN.

Amanda Maria da Silva Souza

Graduating in History from UFRN.

Alekssiane Lima de Carvalho

Graduating in History from UFRN.


Margarida Maria Dias de Oliveira

PhD in History and professor at UFRN.

Laís Eunice Oliveira Dantas

Graduating in History from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) at the Center for Human Sciences, Letters and Arts.

Ruan Souza dos Santos

Graduating in the History course at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA).

José Maia Bezerra Neto, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)

Professor at the Faculty of History and the Postgraduate Program in Social History of the Amazon (UFPA), researcher at CNPq.


Edinaldo Gonçalves Nunes Junior

Graduating from the History Course at Vale do Acaraú State University - UVA, member of the Study Group on Ancient-Medieval Residuality – GERAM (Available at: https://geram-uva.wixsite.com/geram) and member of the Education Program Tutorial – PET from the UVA History course.


Francisco Dênis Melo

Graduated in History from the Vale do Acaraú State University (1996) and Master in Brazilian History – from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2001). PhD in History, in the Culture and Memory Research Line, at the Federal University of Pernambuco (2013). He is currently a professor in the History course at Vale do Acaraú State University.


Nathalia Cristina Alencar Souza

Graduating from the History course at the Federal University of Pará.

Vitória Carolina Valente Barros

Graduating from the History course at the Federal University of Pará.

Sidiana da Consolação Ferreira de Macedo

History Professor at the Federal University of Pará.

Luiz Eduardo Ferreira Santana

Graduating from the History Degree course/UVA and Fellow of the Tutorial Education Program – PET/UVA History.

Telma Bessa Sales

Adjunct professor of the History Degree Course at Vale do Acaraú State University – UVA.


Maria Thaislayne dos Santos Lino

Graduating in History from the Federal University of Sergipe, member of the Present Time study group (GET-UFS).

Dilton Cândido Santos Maynard

Graduated in History from the Federal University of Sergipe (1999), Master's degree in Sociology from the Federal University of Sergipe (2002), PhD in History from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2008) and Post-Doctorate in History from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013 ). Leader and founder of the Present Time Study Group (GET-UFS). CNPq Productivity Scholarship-Level 2.

Elbia Cunha de Souza

Graduating from the History Degree course - UFPA.

Francicléia Ramos Pacheco

Graduate of the History Degree course - UFPA, Pibic Scholarship, CNPq of the project “The Flavors of the City, local hierarchical practices, mestizo cuisine and its places in Belém do Pará (1850-1900)”.


Ana Victória de Medeiros Oliveira

Student of the History degree course at the Federal University of Campina Grande.

Laercio Teodoro da Silva

Laércio Teodoro da Silva, PhD in History from the Federal University of Pernambuco. Master in History from the Federal University of Ceará and a Full Degree in History from the Federal University of Paraíba.

Iriudsana Maria Januário da Costa

Student of History - Degree at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.


Sabrina Querem Apuque Lima Gomes de Oliveira

Student of History - Degree at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

Jefferson Pereira da Silva

Temporary professor linked to the History Department of the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN) and member of the Space, Power and Social Practices Research Group (GPEPPS/UFRN).

Tainá Sousa da Costa

Graduating from the History Degree Course at the Federal University of Pará.

Karina Nazaré Oliveira de Jesus Ferreira

Graduate student in History at the Federal University of Pará.

Adriano Soares Sampaio

Graduating in History from the Federal University of Ceará and PIBIC-UFC Scholarship 2020-21 in the Project “América Latina no Jornal Tribuna Popular”.

Ana Amélia de Moura Cavalcante de Melo, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Professor at the Department of History and the Postgraduate Program in Social History at UFC.


Arianny Dantas Dutra, Universidade Estadual do Piauí (UESPI)

Student of the full degree course in History at the State University of Piauí (UESPI), Possidônio Queiroz campus.

Carlos Daniel Alves Leal

Student of the full degree course in History at the State University of Piauí (UESPI), Possidônio Queiroz campus.

Thiago Reisdorfer, Universidade Estadual do Piauí (UESPI)

PhD in History (UDESC). Professor of the History Course at the State University of Piauí – UESPI, Possidônio Queiroz Campus, Oeiras – PI.


Beatriz Ramos da Cruz

Graduating from the History degree course at PUCPR.


Chrigor Libério

Student of the full degree course in History at the State University of Piauí - UESPI. Researcher of the Scientific Initiation Program.


Diná Schmidt

Professor of the History Course at the State University of Piauí. Research Travel Literature and Imperialism in Brazil in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Maria Daniella Alves Ramos

Graduating in History (Full Degree) from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), scholarship holder of the Tutorial Teaching Program (PET-História UFC).

Pedro Gilson de Oliveira Paula Filho

Graduating in History (Full Degree) from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), scholarship holder of the Tutorial Teaching Program (PET-História UFC).

Viviane Cristine Pereira Nunes

Graduating in History from UFRN.

Lara Lima Resende

Graduating in History from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) and active in the Present Time Study Group (GET/UFS).


Kátia Daniela Gomes Honorato

Graduated in History from the Federal University of Piauí- CSHNB (2015-2019); Participated in the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program - PIBID (2017); CAPES Scholarship from the Institutional Pedagogical Residency Program (2018).


Rômulo Rossy Leal Carvalho

Graduating with a Full Degree in History at the Federal University of Piauí - Campus Senador Helvídio Nunes de Barros (Picos-PI). CAPES scholarship holder for the Pedagogical Residency Program (RP) at the Marcos Parente Full-Time State Center (Picos-PI).


Érica Lôpo Araújo, Universidade Federal de Piauí (UFPI)

Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Piauí. She has a doctorate in Social History from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2016), a master's degree in History from the Federal Fluminense University (2011) and a degree in History from the Federal University of Bahia (2009).


Francisco Victor Félix Soares

Graduating from the History course at Vale do Acaraú State University (UVA).

Priscila Antônia dos Santos

Graduate of the History course at the Federal University of Sergipe and member of the Present Time Study Group-GET/UFS.

Ravenna Rodrigues Cardoso

Graduating in History from URCA-CE.


Simone Pereira da Silva

PhD student in History at Dinter URCA/UFF.


Maria Lucélia de Andrade, Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA)

PhD in History from UFC, and professor of History from URCA.


Camila Gonçalves Santos

Graduating in History from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA).


Maria Clara Barbalho de Mendonça

Student of the History degree course at the Central Campus of the State University of Rio Grande do Norte.


Aryana Lima Costa

He has a degree in History - Full Degree and Bachelor's Degree from UFRN (2007), a Master's degree in History from UFPB (2010) and a PhD in Social History from UFRJ (2018). She is currently a professor at the Department of History / UERN and ProfHistória / UERN.

Vágner Hugo Calazans Silva

Graduate in History from the University of Pernambuco (UPE), member of the Laboratory for Studies of the History of Religions (LEHR) and PIBIC-CNPq scholarship holder 2020-2021.

Tainara Ferreira Mousinho

Graduating in History – Federal University of Tocantins.

Benvinda Barros Dourado

History Professor – Federal University of Tocantins.


Allef Gustavo Silva dos Santos

Graduating from the full degree course in History, at UEMA. She is a member of the Research and Documentation Group on Social and Political History of Maranhão. She is currently a resident in the Pedagogical Residency program.

Layer book History and Historiography Research experiences



December 1, 2020