Atlantic experience and Environmental History


Kênia Sousa Rios (ed)
Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)


Environmental history, Atlantic, History, Environment


Book with articles presented at the VI International Seminar on History and Historiography. The works gathered here were part of the Thematic Symposiums “The 19th century on the periphery of the empire: perspectives in debate”, “The Atlantic World: colonization, sertões and frontiers (16th to 19th centuries)”, “Environmental history and historiography in the Pan Amazon ” and “History, Nature and Culture: border dialogues”. From the Northeastern Sertão to the Amazon forest, in different times and spaces, the themes are entangled by the constitution of borders that move and in a conflicting way, bring distant spaces closer together while distancing approximate times.


  • The Spectacularization of Death
    hangings of slaves in Ceará
    Anderson Coelho da Rocha
  • Territorialization of the space of the Freguesia de Sant’Ana by the enslaved
    Saint Joseph of Mipibu, 19th century
    Clara Maria da Silva
  • The “baron’s foreignness” and the construction sites public authorities of the Province of Pernambuco (1837-1850)
    Bruno Adriano Barros Alves
  • Politics and taxation in the formation of the provincial treasury in Pernambuco (1831-1840)
    Artur Gilberto Garcéa de Lacerda Rocha
  • Urban space and manifestations popular religious in the city of São Luís do Maranhão in the end of the eight hundred
    Thiago Lima dos Santos
  • Monte-mor Novo Indian village council
    Indigenous political activity in the early 1800s
    João Paulo Peixoto Costa
  • Provinces, typographies and the propagation of the ideal of “liberty” by the Confederates from the north in 1824
    Francisco Weber Pinto Porfirio
  • “It has a yellowish color due to a hitirice”
    the health condition of Piauí enslaved people in the 19th century
    Talyta Marjorie Lira Sousa Nepomuceno
  • Society and child care institutions in nineteenth-century Maranhão
    the bibliographic records in the works of Mário Martins Meireles
    Rosyane de Moraes Martins Dutra
  • From kid to captain of the National Guard
    the trajectory of Antônio Rello by Paula Araújo
    Gustavo Alves Cardoso Moreira
  • Poor women in Fortaleza
    habitus of living and “family police” in the world of urban work, in the last decades of the 19th century
    Eylo Fagner Silva Rodrigues
  • “Would the general commander be white?”
    The end of color-segregated militias in the press and parliament (1830-1834)
    Maria Clara Aredes de Figueiredo
  • Producers, traders and co-signers
    the interprovincial trade
    Josenildo Américo Paulino
  • The measure of the forest
    the voyages of exploration and demarcation through the “Pais das Amazonas” (17th and 18th centuries)
    Janaina Valéria Pinto Camilo
  • The categories of Kulturwissenschaft, Völkerpysycologie and Antropogeography of German anthropology in the definition of the backlands of the North in Chapters of Colonial History by Capistrano de Abreu
    Almir Leal de Oliveira
  • The uses of space in the Atlantic Amazon
    the real factories
    Marina Hungria Nobre
  • Creation of new captaincies and demarcation of central borders and southern regions in Portuguese America, 18th century
    Mônica da Silva Ribeiro
  • The corners of Maranhão and the transformations in the configuration of city of towns and places (1757-1779)
    Felipe William dos Santos Silva
  • jewish ancestry
    the influence of reminiscences from the colonial period on the social formation of families in the hinterland of ceará
    Maria Ednanda Rodrigues Lopes
  • Between words and cannons
    the Tapuitinga priests and the Pombaline policy in the Portuguese Amazon (1753-1757)
    Karl Heinz Arenz
  • With faith, law and king
    the organization of the jurisdictional territory of the sertão do Piancó and the transformations in its political status throughout the 18th century
    Larissa Daniele Monteiro Lacerda
  • The Backwoods Drug Trade and the Advance into the Amazon Backlands (18th Century)
    André José Santos Pompeu
  • The Correia Vieira and the spatial occupation of Banabuiú/CE in the 17th century XVIII
    Áurea Regina de Araújo Ribeiro
  • Two States in One Colony
    Conflicts of Jurisdictions and Territorial Formation in the Sertões do Norte (c. 1650 — c. 1700)
    Leonardo Cândido Rolim
  • Construction of the colonial hinterland in the Acaraú valley (1680-1758)
    Raimundo Nonato Rodrigues de Souza
  • On the nature of frontier spaces in Father João's writings Felipe Betendorf (17th century)
    Antonio José Alves de Oliveira
  • The “time of the waters” in colonial Vila Bela (1750-1777)
    Vanice Siqueira de Melo
  • “Inconvenient nature, peculiar nature”
    A brief history of rain in Belém during the Belle Époque
    Kelvyn Werik Nascimento Gomes
  • The nature of equinoctial regions
    Alexander Von Humboldt and the Geography of Plants
    Diego Estevam Cavalcante
  • The city that inhabits the depths of the waters...:
    historiographical surveys on Piranhas Velha, PB, in the 1930s
    Ana Paula Cruz
  • Lives (Re)denied
    Zé Maria do Tomé and the implementation of death policies in the Jaguaribe-Apodi Irrigated Perimeter (1985 to the present day)
    Luciana Meire Gomes Reges
  • Loose animal, trapped animal
    Debates and policies on farmed animals in Ceará's Cariri (1850-1870)
    Hugo Eduardo Damasceno Cavalcante
  • Science and Image in Francisco Freire's botanical descriptions German
    José Felipe Oliveira da Silva
  • Nature and Modernity of Belém through the iris of a Belgian
    Tunai Rehm


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Author Biographies

Kênia Sousa Rios, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Prof. Dr. of the Department of History of the Graduate Program in Social History at the Federal University of Ceará - UFC She holds a PhD in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP). Since 2004, she has been a professor at the Department of History at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Between 2011 and 2014, she was the coordinator of the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBID / História). Currently, she coordinates the Tutorial Education Program (PET). She is leader of the History and Nature Study and Research Group / CNPq.

Ana Rita Fonteles Duarte, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Prof. from the Department of History and Coordinator of the PPGH - UFC

She has a PhD in Cultural History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). She is an associate professor at the Department of History at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Currently, she coordinates the Graduate Program in History at UFC. She is a member of the Profhistoria (UFC) faculty. She has experience in the areas of history and gender, women's history, gender and dictatorship in Brazil. She coordinates the History and Gender Research and Studies Group (GPEHG / UFC / CNPq).

Ana Sara Cortez Irffi, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Prof. of the Department of History and Deputy Coordinator PPGH - UFC

She has a PhD in Social History from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). She is a professor in the Department of History at UFC. She is deputy coordinator of the Graduate Program in History (UFC). Coordinator of the Economic and Social History Research Laboratory - LAPHES. She has experience in the area of History, with an emphasis on Social History, working mainly on the themes: worlds of work, rural world, slavery, History of Brazil, research, history and theory.

Anderson Coelho da Rocha

PhD student in Social History PPGH/UFC, CAPES scholarship holder. Lattes curriculum link:

Clara Maria da Silva

Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. CAPES scholarship holder. Lattes Curriculum Link: http://lattes.cnpq. br/9324800771118580.

Bruno Adriano Barros Alves

Master's student in History at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). The present work comes from my master's research (in progress) supervised by Prof. Dr. Suzana Cavani Rosas (UFPE) and aided by the CNPq research funding fund. Curriculum Lattes:

Artur Gilberto Garcéa de Lacerda Rocha

Doctoral student at the Graduate Program at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco.

Thiago Lima dos Santos, Colégio de Aplicação da Universidade Federal do Maranhão

Doctor and Master in Social Sciences from the Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences at the Federal University of Maranhão. Graduated in History from the Federal University of Maranhão. Professor of Basic, Technical and Technological Education at the College of Application of the Federal University of Maranhão.

João Paulo Peixoto Costa, Instituto Federal do Piauí (IFPI)

Professor at the Federal Institute of Piauí, Uruçui campus, and of the Professional Master's Degree in History Teaching at the State University of Piauí in Parnaíba. PhD in Social History from the State University of Campinas, Master in History of Brazil from the Federal University of Piauí and graduated in History from the Federal University of Ceará.

Francisco Weber Pinto Porfirio

Master in Social History by the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Member of the Society for the Studies of Nineteenth-Century Brazil Group (SEBO-UFC).

Talyta Marjorie Lira Sousa Nepomuceno

Doctoral student in History of Brazil at the Federal University of Piauí (2019), Master in History of Brazil at the Federal University of Piauí (2012), specialist in the area of Policies for the Promotion of Racial Equality at School by the Open and Distance Education Center of the University Federal do Piauí (2015), graduated in History from the Federal University of Piauí (2009) and graduated in Bachelor of Laws from the Higher Education Center of Vale do Parnaíba (2019).

Rosyane de Moraes Martins Dutra

Doctoral student in Education at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) in the Research Line History of Education: subjects, objects and practices. She is the Coordinator of the Childhood and Play Studies and Research Group-GEPIB / UFMA. Also, she is a Member of the Study and Research Group Childhood, Culture and History-GEPICH (UNIFESP / Guarulhos-SP). She is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Education I in the Pedagogy Course at the Federal University of Maranhão (Area: Early Childhood Education). Lattes:

Gustavo Alves Cardoso Moreira

PhD in History from UFF, historian at the National Museum/UFRJ.

Eylo Fagner Silva Rodrigues, Seduc-CE

Graduated in HISTORY from the State University of Ceará (2007), master's degree in History from the Federal University of Ceará (2012) and PhD in History from the Federal University of Ceará (2018).

Maria Clara Aredes de Figueiredo

UFRuralRJ - PPGHIS Master's student; CAPES scholarship holder; Curriculum Lattes:

Josenildo Américo Paulino

Master's student in the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Pernambuco,

Janaina Valéria Pinto Camilo

Graduated in Licentiate and Bachelor's Degree in History from the Federal University of Pará (1996), Master's in Cultural History from the State University of Campinas (2003) and Ph.D. in Cultural History from the State University of Campinas (2008). She is currently a professor of higher education at the Federal University of Campina Grande.

Almir Leal de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Associate Professor, Department of History, Federal University of Ceará.

Marina Hungria Nobre

Federal University of Pará, PhD student in Social History of the Amazon in the Graduate Program in History, CAPES scholarship holder.

Mônica da Silva Ribeiro, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)

Associate Professor of Modern History at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (Campus Nova Iguaçu) and Professor of the Graduate Program in History (PPHR-UFRRJ). Lattes curriculum link:

Felipe William dos Santos Silva

Graduated in History from the Federal University of Pará. Curriculum Lattes:

Maria Ednanda Rodrigues Lopes

Degree in Social Sciences Degree from the Vale do Acaraú State University (UVA), Specialization in Teaching History of Ceará from the same University, Master's student at PPGS at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), FUNCAP scholarship holder. Link Curriculum Lattes:

Karl Heinz Arenz, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)

Professor of History, Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Belém.

Larissa Daniele Monteiro Lacerda

Master's student in History at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, CAPES scholarship holder.

André José Santos Pompeu

PhD student at the Graduate Program in Social History of the Amazon, at the Federal University of Pará. CAPES scholarship holder.

Áurea Regina de Araújo Ribeiro

Master's student in Social History from the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Ceará. Scholarship holder of the Coordination Foundation for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).

Leonardo Cândido Rolim, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN)

Adjunct Professor II of the Department of History/Central Campus of the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN) and permanent professor at ProfHistória-UERN. PhD in Economic History from USP, master in History from UFPB and graduate in History from UFC. Member of the Social History Experimentation Laboratory (LEHS) at UFRN. Deputy leader of the CNPq Research Group “History of the Northeast: Society and Culture” (UERN).

Raimundo Nonato Rodrigues de Souza, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA)

Dr. Raimundo Nonato Rodrigues de Souza, professor Adjunto da Universidade estadual Vale do Acaraú — UVA.

Antonio José Alves de Oliveira

Member of the Immigration, Migration and Environmental History Laboratory (LABIMHA-UFSC).

Vanice Siqueira de Melo, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará

Doutoranda e mestra em História pela Universidade Federal do Pará; professora do curso de História da Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará; pesquisa financiada pela bolsa Capes ProDoutoral.

Kelvyn Werik Nascimento Gomes

He graduated with a Full Degree in History from the Federal University of Pará (2018). Master's student in Social History of the Amazon in the Postgraduate Program in History (PPHIST — UFPA). She has experience in the area of History and Teaching Local History, working mainly on the topic of Environmental History.

Diego Estevam Cavalcante

Student of the Doctorate in History at the Federal University of Ceará. This work is funded by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel — Brazil (CAPES) — Financing Code 001.

Ana Paula Cruz, IFPB-Campus Cajazeiras

Professora de História do IFPB-Campus Cajazeiras. Lattes CV:

Luciana Meire Gomes Reges

PhD student in Social History at the Federal University of Ceará, under the guidance of professor. Dr. Kênia Sousa Rios. Research in progress with the support of CAPES. Lattes CV link:

Hugo Eduardo Damasceno Cavalcante

Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Ceará (PPGH/UFC). Scholarship from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development — CNPq.

José Felipe Oliveira da Silva

PhD student in Social History at the Federal University of Ceará. Scholarship holder from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).

Tunai Rehm

PhD student at the Graduate Program in Social History of the Amazon at the Federal University of Pará. Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology — Campus Castanhal.

Cover of the book Atlantic Experience and Environmental History



December 1, 2020