Approaches and themes of Physical geography


Cláudia Maria Sabóia de Aquino (ed)
Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)
Francisco Jonh Lennon Tavares da Silva (ed)
SEDUC - Teresina-PI


physical geography, teaching physical geography, current topics physical geography


Geodiversity and soil education, as well as research and contemporary challenges related to watersheds, make up the core of this work, which brings back to the fore the theoretical discussions in Physical Geography, which seem to be left aside in recent years. The greatness of the contribution also lies in the option for the object of study, which leads us to contribute to the authors' living space, in this case the state of Piauí. This becomes the stronghold of the researchers' coveted look, taking it as a projection of the analyses, always supported by scientific rigor, in its theoretical and methodological foundations.


  • The society-nature relationship in geographic thought
    epistemological perspectives
    Francisco Jonh Lennon Tavares da Silva, Cláudia Maria Sabóia de Aquino, Janaira Marques Leal
  • Geodiversity, geological-geomorphological heritage and geoconservation
    conceptual foundations
    Glácia Lopes Araújo, Helena Vanessa Maria da Silva , Cláudia Maria Sabóia de Aquino
  • Morphoclimatic fragility of the municipalities of Castelo do Piauí and Juazeiro do Piauí, Northeast Brazil
    Francílio de Amorim dos Santos, Cláudia Maria Sabóia de Aquino
  • High recognition pedological survey intensity in the plain of the delta of Parnaíba-PI
    Léya Jéssyka Rodrigues Silva Cabral, Gustavo Souza Valladares, Marcos Gervasio Pereira, Carlos Roberto Pinheiro Junior, Andréa Maciel Lima, Jéssica Cristina Oliveira Frota, João Victor Alves Amorim
  • Potential environmental fragility of the river basin Itaueira, Piauí
    Amanda Alves Dias, Cláudia Maria Sabóia de Aquino, Renê Pedro de Aquino
  • Environmental vulnerability in the Poti river basin – Piauí
    study on the impacts on riverside areas
    Livânia Norberta de Oliveira, Eugênia Cristina G. Pereira, Maria Lúcia Brito Cruz
  • Soil-landscape relationship in the east zone of Teresina/PI and use of micromonoliths as a teaching tool
    Guilherme de Sousa Silva, Gustavo Souza Valladares
  • Proposal for a geotouristic itinerary for the cities of stones, Picos microregion, Piauí, Brazil
    José Francisco de Araújo Silva, Cláudia Maria Sabóia de Aquino, Hikaro Kayo de Brito Nunes


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Author Biographies

Cláudia Maria Sabóia de Aquino, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), with a master's degree in Development and Environment from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and a PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). She is currently an Adjunct Professor at UFPI, where she works in undergraduate and graduate research and teaching (UFPI Graduate Program in Geography), in disciplines and topics related to Physical Geography. She is Editor-in-Chief of the EQUADOR electronic magazine and Leader of the Geodiversity, Geomorphological Heritage and Geoconservation Research Group (GEOCON). She coordinates, together with Professor Dr. Gustavo Souza Valladares, the PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Research Group. She has experience in Geography, with an emphasis on Environmental Analysis. She is interested in the themes: Physical Geography Teaching, Geodiversity, Geoheritage, Geoconservation, Watershed, Desertification and environmental planning.

Francisco Jonh Lennon Tavares da Silva, SEDUC - Teresina-PI

Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). Master in Geography by the Graduate Program in Geography (PPGGEO/UFPI). Topics of interest: philosophy of science, history and epistemology of geography, urban socio-environmental issues and teaching of geography. He is currently a substitute teacher at the Municipal Education Department of Teresina, Piauí.

Janaira Marques Leal

Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2011-2016). Master in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2017-2019). PhD student in Geography at the Federal University of Goiás - UFG (2019-2023). Specialization in progress in Higher Education Teaching with Active Learning Methodologies by UNIMÉRICA (2022 - current). I currently participate in the Research Group for Studies in Physical Geography at LABGEO/UFPI and the Study Group on Cerrado Landscapes - CARPA/IESA/UFG, working in the field of Environmental Planning. She works as a journal reviewer at Revista Ecuador of the Department of Geography at the Federal University of Piauí-UFPI. She is interested in the following subjects: Physical Geography; Geomorphology; Geoprocessing; Environmental analysis; Systemic Approach and Scientific Methodology.

Glácia Lopes Araújo, Instituto Federal do Piauí (IFPI)

Graduated in FULL DEGREE IN GEOGRAPHY from the State University of Piauí (2006), graduated in FULL DEGREE IN PEDAGOGY from the Federal University of Piauí (2009), specialization in ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT from Faculdades Integradas de Jacarepaguá (2009) and a master's degree in GEOGRAPHY from the Federal University do Piauí(2020). She is currently an EBTT Professor at the Federal Institute of Piauí. Working mainly on the following topics: Geodiversity, Evaluation, Geological Heritage, Geomorphological Heritage, Caldeirão Grande do Piauí and Francisco Macedo.

Helena Vanessa Maria da Silva

PhD student in Geography by the Graduate Program in Geography - PPgGEO/Federal University of Ceará - UFC. Master in Geography by the Graduate Program in Geography - PPGGEO / Federal University of Piauí - UFPI (Biennium: 2018/2020). Graduated in Geography (Degree) from the State University of Piauí - UESPI (2013-2017), Clóvis Moura Campus (Teresina-PI). Member of the Environmental, Coastal and Continental Geomorphology Laboratory - (LAGECO/UFC) and Researcher of the Geodiversity, Geoheritage and Geoconservation Group (GEOCON/UFPI). She works in the area of Physical Geography with an emphasis on geoenvironmental studies, on topics such as geodiversity, geoheritage, geoconservation, geotourism, geoeducation and landscape analysis.

Francílio de Amorim dos Santos

Degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí (2007); Degree in Geography from the State University of Piauí (2010); Specialist in Higher Education Teaching by Faculdades Montenegro (2008-2009); Specialist in Environmental Management and Ecotourism by Faculdades Montenegro (2008-2009); Specialist in Geoprocessing by Faculdade Única de Ipatinga (2021-2022); Specialist in Business Management with a focus on Behavioral Finance at Centro Universitário Celso Lisboa (2021-2023); Specialist in Environmental Engineering and Basic Sanitation by Centro Universitário UNIFATEB (2021-2023); Master in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2015); PhD in Geography from the State University of Ceará (2019); Post-Doctorate in Geography from the State University of Ceará (2020). He is a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí, with a capacity at Campus Piripiri, and a permanent professor at the Graduate Program in Analysis and Spatial Planning (MAPEPROF).

Léya Jéssyka Rodrigues Silva Cabral

Doctoral student in Development and Environment at the Graduate Program in Development and Environment - PRODEMA/UFPI - full association in network. Master in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI. Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2010-2015). She was a scholarship holder of the Scientific Initiation program - PIBIC (2012/2013) and Voluntary Scientific Initiation ICV (2013/2014), at the Federal University of Piauí. She acted as monitor of the discipline of Pedology. She participates in the Physical Geography Research Group. She develops research related to Physical Geography. Acting mainly in the themes: Pedology, Geology, Geomorphology, GIS.

Gustavo Souza Valladares

Graduated in Agronomy, Master's and Doctorate in Soil Science, from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (2003). He is currently an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Piauí. He is Professor of the Master's program in Geography at UFPI and of the Doctorate in Development and Environment at UFPI in network. He is a Postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Geosciences at Unicamp. Between 2002 and 2008, he was a researcher at Embrapa in the field of soil genesis and classification. Between 2009 and 2011 UFC professor. He has experience in Soil Science, with emphasis on Soil Genesis, Morphology and Classification and Geoprocessing, working mainly on the following topics: pedological mapping, soil chemistry, management, organosol, geoprocessing, soil quality and agricultural aptitude.

Marcos Gervasio Pereira, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)

Marcos Gervasio Pereira is an Agronomist graduated from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), he completed his doctorate in Agronomy (Soil Science) at this institution in 1996. He is currently a Full Professor at the Soil Department at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro . He was head of the Department of Soils from 2000 to 2001. From April 2009 to October 2013 he was Coordinator of the Graduate Course in Agronomy-Soil Science (CPGA-CS) at UFRRJ. As of October 2013, he became the Substitute Coordinator of the CPGA-CS. He is advisor of the Postgraduate Course in Agronomy (Soil Science), of the Postgraduate Program in Environmental and Forestry Sciences and of the Postgraduate Program in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, at UFRRJ. CNPq Productivity Scholarship 1B and Scientist of Our State by FAPERJ.

Carlos Roberto Pinheiro Junior, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)

Agronomist (2017), Master (2018) and Doctor (2022) in Agronomy - Soil Science from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). He served as a substitute professor (2019-2021) at the Department of Soils at UFRRJ, teaching the disciplines of Soil Physics and Agricultural Aptitude and Soil Management. He develops projects in the area of Pedology (genesis, morphology and soil classification) with emphasis on mechanisms of accumulation of organic and inorganic carbon in Black Soils. He is also interested in soil management research, especially studies of the impact of land use change on carbon dynamics in conservation systems. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Soil Science at the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" (ESALQ / USP) and a member of the Soil Health & Management Research Group-SOHMA.

Andréa Maciel Lima

He holds a degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI (2018), a Master's in Geography from the Federal University of Goiás - UFG (2020). Student of the PhD course in Geography at UFG. Working mainly on the following topics: Geodiversity, Geoconservation, Geoheritage, Physical Geography and Applied Pedology.

Jéssica Cristina Oliveira Frota , Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2010-2014). Master's Degree in Geography in the Area of Concentration: Space Organization and Geographic Education, by the Federal University of Piauí (2015-2017). Doctoral student in the Graduate Program in Development and Environment. She received a scholarship from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). She participated as a researcher in the Physical Geography Research Group, linked to UFPI, where she developed her research at the UFPI Geomatics Laboratory. She developed research with the Junior Company of Oceanography of Paraná (MARIS). She is currently a professor at Faculdade Ieducare in Tianguá-CE and is a professor at the Center for Open and Distance Education at UFPI.

João Victor Alves Amorim, Colégio Técnico de Bom Jesus (UFPI)

Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI (2017), Master in Geography from the Postgraduate Program in Geography - PPGGEO/UFPI (2019) and PhD student in Geography from the Postgraduate Program in Geography of the Federal University of Paraíba - PPGG/UFPB. He is a teacher of Basic, Technical and Technological Education at Colégio Técnico de Bom Jesus (UFPI). He has experience in Pedology, with an emphasis on Digital Soil Mapping.

Amanda Alves Dias, Secretaria de Planejamento do Estado do Piauí

Holds a Master's Degree in Geography from the Graduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI (2019), graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2015). He was a fellow of the ICV Institutional Scientific Initiation Program (2011-2012) and in the PIBIC / CNPq Institutional Scientific Initiation Program (2013-2014) (2014-2015). He currently works at the Planning Department of the State of Piauí, working in the area of economic and social planning. She has experience in the field of Geography and teaching, with an emphasis on Environmental Analysis. She is interested in the themes: watershed, socio-environmental planning, geotechnologies and education.

Renê Pedro de Aquino, SEDUC-PI

He holds a degree in Full Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (1997), specialization in Environmental Management from the State University of Piauí and a master's degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2013). PhD student at the Graduate Program in Development and Environment at the Federal University of Piauí. He was a teacher of basic education, working in several private schools in Teresina-Pi (1994-2011), in addition to the State Department of Education of the State of Piauí (2000-2006), and the Municipal Department of Education of Teresina (2000- 2002) He is currently Assistant Professor III at the State University of Piauí, where he held the position of director of Campus Clóvis Moura from March 2011 to December 2020. He has experience in the area of Geography, with an emphasis on geoenvironmental studies.

Livânia Norberta de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)

Effective adjunct professor at UFPA- Campus Altamira. She has a Postdoctoral degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2019); She holds a PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2017). She did a Sandwich PhD in Geography at the University of Coimbra (2017). She holds a Master's Degree in Development and Environment from the Federal University of Piauí (2011). She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2008) She coordinates the research group Integrated Analysis in the Xingu river basin. She is deputy director of the Faculty of Geography (UFPA-campu Altamira). She is a member of the Study Group Geodiversity, Geomorphological Heritage and Geoconservation (GEOCON / UFPI). It is part of the Bank of Assessors of the National Higher Education Assessment System (BASis) MEC. She coordinated the Licentiate Course in Geography at Faculdade de Educação São Francisco-FAESF (2012-2013). She coordinated the TCC at the Faculdade de Educação São Francisco-FAESF (2013). It operates mainly in the area of education and research, in the following themes: Development and Environment, Social and Environmental Vulnerability, Hydrographic Basins, Sustainable Development, Urban and Rural Environmental Impacts, Environmental Management, Territorial Planning and Environmental Education.

Eugênia Cristina G. Pereira, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)

Geographer, Master in Cryptogamic Botany (1989) from the Federal University of Pernambuco and PhD in Botany (1998) from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, with a specialization in Spain (1992) from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Full Professor of Geography at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), where he teaches the disciplines of General Biogeography and Zonal Biogeography for the graduation of Geography and Lichenology (Systematics of Cryptogams) in the Biology course. Accredited with the Graduate Programs in Geography and Plant Biology UFPE. He is a CNPq Research Productivity Scholar, working in the area of Applied Botany, Physical Geography/Geoecology, where he develops research on environmental monitoring, including the use of lichens and their substances, their bioproduction by immobilized systems for commercial, medicinal and of soil bioremediation, with a view to bioconservation of ecosystems. In this, he also studies nutrient cycling, with emphasis on contaminating products inserted into habitats through human action. He has several articles and books and book chapters published, as well as scientific initiation students, dissertations and supervised and ongoing theses.

Maria Lúcia Brito Cruz, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE)

I have a degree in GEOGRAPHY from the State University of Ceará (1986), Specialization in Remote Sensing from the National Institute for Space Research - INPE (1989), Master's Degree in Development and Environment from the Federal University of Ceará-UFC (1998), PhD in Geography from Federal University of Pernambuco-UFPE (2010) and Post-Doctorate in Geography from the Federal University of Pará-UFPA (2018). I am currently a professor at the State University of Ceará along with the Geography courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. I try to be and know how to do geography.

Guilherme de Sousa Silva

He has a degree and a master's degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí. He is currently a professor at the Municipal Education Department of Teresina-Piauí. During graduation, he received a scholarship from the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation-PIBID and the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships-PIBIC. He participated in the Monitoring Program at the Federal University of Piauí and the Pedagogical Residence Program-RP and is interested in studies in the areas of Pedology, Soil Teaching, organization of geographic space, geology and hydrography.

José Francisco de Araújo Silva, CEAD-UFPI

Student of the Doctorate in Geography course (2021-current) at the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM, Master in Geography at the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI. He has a postgraduate degree in Environmental Management - EAD - from Faculdades Integradas de Jacarepaguá (2009), a postgraduate degree in Municipal Public Management - EAD - from the Federal University of Piauí (2011), a degree in Spanish Languages - EAD - from the State University of Piauí (2013), Degree in Social Communication from the State University of Piauí (2007), Degree in Geography from the State University of Piauí (2006). He has experience with teaching geography and has studies related to the following areas: Geodiversity, Geoheritage, Geoconservation, Geotourism. He was an effective teacher in the state education network from 2006 to 2013. He was a teacher-tutor of the Geography course at CEAD-UFPI. He is currently a teacher trainer of the Geography course CEAD-UFPI and a Geography teacher in Elementary School of the municipal teaching network of Picos-PI.

Hikaro Kayo de Brito Nunes

PhD in Geography (2020-2022) from the State University of Ceará - UECE, Master in Geography (2016-2017) from the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI, Specialization in Inclusive Special Education (2020-2021) and in Environmental Management and Education (2021) -2022), both from the Leonardo da Vinci University Center (UNIASSELVI) and Graduated in Full Degree in Geography (2012-2015) from the State University of Piauí - UESPI/Campus Poeta Torquato Neto. Member of the following research groups: Nucleus of Studies in Physical Geography at UESPI (NEGEO/UESPI); Geomorphology, Environmental Analysis and Education at UFPI (GAAE/UFPI); Morphostructure and Morphopedology of the Landscapes of the Brazilian Northeast (UECE); Center for Geographical Studies of the Middle Solimões (NEGEM/UEA); Nucleus of Amazonian Research and Studies (NUPEAM/UEA) and Integrated Analysis in the Xingu River Basin (UFPA).

Cover of the book Approaches and themes of Physical Geography



December 1, 2020