José de Alencar in Cena: Studies of Alencarian Dramaturgy. Volume 2


Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho Soares (ed)
Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)
Francisco Wellington Rodrigues Lima (ed)
Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Piauí (IFPI)
Marcos Paulo Torres Pereira (ed)
Universidade Federal do Amapá (UFAP)
Tito Barros Leal (ed)
Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA)


Brazilian literature, Brazilian theater, José de Alencar, History


When I was invited to preface the work that is now before us, I couldn't help but remember my conversations with the great Sergipe poet Hunald Fontes de Alencar. Alencar was already in the last years of his life, and every time I visited Aracaju I tried to find him somehow. Unfortunately, there were not as many times as I would have liked, but, in those liquid times that Zygmunt Bauman announced to us a few years ago, I am sure that a fast and strong friendship developed between us. When we first met, Hunald had just finished writing one of his last texts before leaving us forever. A text for theater in honor of the American singer Billie Holiday. It was only after her death, in 2016, that we could see the dream of this heart and soul native of Aracaju come true: Billie Holiday – A Canção was finally assembled and was a huge success with the public.


  • Women who read are dangerous
    moral standards and women's social control in José de Alencar's female profiles
    Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho Soares
  • Two literary faces in José de Alencar
    Cássia Alves da Silva, Francisca Yorranna da Silva, Mary Nascimento da Silva Leitão
  • Revisiting social and commercial issues in the theatrical text O Credit to José de Alencar
    Luiza Maria Aragão Pontes
  • Sewing sources: property, freedom and slavery in three Alencarian texts – The Familiar Demon (1857); speeches Parliamentarians (1870-1871); The Estate (1883)
    Tito Barros Leal, Pedro Parga Rodrigues
  • José de Alencar and slavery
    a reading of Alencar's thought from Erasmo's New Political Letters (1867-1868) and O Demônio Familiar (1857)
    Lara de Sousa Lutife, Ana Alice Menescal
  • “Scene open to slavery”
    speeches and representations about slavery in “O Demônio Familiar” by José de Alencar
    Álvaro Ribeiro Regiani, Kenia Érica Gusmão Medeiros
  • Mãe, by José de Alencar, and O Mulato, by Aluísio Azevedo
    the reflection of the pain of denial of black motherhood
    Edinaura Linhares Ferreira Lima, Josenildo Ferreira Teófilo da Silva, Karine Costa Miranda
  • The project of independence of Brazil n´O Jesuíta (1861), by José de Alencar
    Denise Rocha
  • The representation of male profiles in As Asas de Um Anjo
    Renato Drummond Tapioca Neto
  • The Cruel Punishment of the Fallen Angel
    Society and Prostitution in The Atonement (1868)
    Mariana Schulmeister Kuhn, Erivan Cassiano Karvat


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Author Biographies

Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho Soares, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)

She is an Effective Professor at the Graduate Program in History - UFG and Associate Professor at the Faculty of History at the Federal University of Goiás; Coordinator of the Gender Studies and Research Group at the Faculty of History (GEPEG/FH/UFG-CNPq); Coordinator of the WG Women Scientists and Plural Maternities (FH/UFG-CNPq); Coordinator of the ANPUH Regional Gender WG - Goiás Section; Member of the board of ANPUG/GO; Member of the board of ANPUH-GO management (2020/2022); Member of the Eighteenth Century Studies Society; Member of APPERJ (Professional Association of Poets of the State of Rio de Janeiro) and writer of the column “Crônicas de Mãe” for Cláudia Online Magazine. She was on maternity leave in 2011 and 2017/2018.

PhD in Political History (UERJ); Master in History (UERJ); Specialist in Psychopedagogy (UCAM), Bachelor and Licensed in History (UERJ), she carried out her first post-doctorate in Social Anthropology at PPGAS / UNB with a FAPEG-CAPES scholarship (2015/2017). She is currently graduating in Pedagogy at UNINTER; she carries out part of her second post-doctorate in History at PPGH/UFES (2020/2021) and was awarded the Fulbright Chair of Brazilian Studies at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst” with a focus on “GenderStudies”.

Feminist, mother of two, writer, poet, belly dancer and tree planter.

She is the author of several academic articles, book chapters, entries, poem books, children's book and participation in collections of poems and short stories. Among her published works, the following stand out: Educated Girl, Civilized Woman, Happy Wife: Gender Relations and History in Alencar, EDUSC, (2012); Every Girl Can Be a Woman, Oficina Editora (2008); Delusions and Delights of a Girl-Woman, Oficina Editora, (2014); Amar is the verb that rhymes with Paz”, Metanoia, 2015 (Honorable Mention Award “Educating with respect to sexual diversity” by IBDSEX in 2017); History of Women and Gender Relations in the Midwest: trajectories and challenges (Orgs.), Editora Life, (2020); Plural Maternities: the different reports, adventures and oceans of scientist mothers in the pandemic (Orgs.), Editora Bindi, (2020) and “History of Women, Gender Relations and Sexualities in Goiás (Orgs.) Editora Paco (2021).

Francisco Wellington Rodrigues Lima, Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Piauí (IFPI)

He holds a degree in Animal Science from the Federal University of Ceará (2011), a Master's degree in Ruminant Nutrition from the Federal University of Ceará (2013) and a PhD in Animal Nutrition and Forage Culture from the Integrated Doctoral Program in Animal Science at the Federal Universities of Ceará, Paraíba and Pernambuco ( 2017). Post-doctorate at the State University of Ceará - UECE, in partnership with the Northeast Biotechnology Network - Renorbio, in the area of nutrition-reproduction interaction in ruminants and development of meat products with small ruminants. He held the position of Zootechnician (TAE) at the Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Ceará-campus Crateús, where he served as research coordinator. He is currently a server at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí (IFPI-Campus Pio-IX), acting as EBTT Professor with exclusive dedication. He has experience in Animal Science, working mainly on the following topics: production of small ruminants, nutritional requirements of ruminants, quality of meat and by-products and economic analysis.

Marcos Paulo Torres Pereira, Universidade Federal do Amapá (UFAP)

Assistant Professor of Literature in Portuguese at the Federal University of Amapá. PhD student in Theory and Literary History at the State University of Campinas; Master in Letters from the Federal University of Ceará; Specialist in Teaching Brazilian Literature; Professor in the areas of Brazilian and Portuguese Literature.

Tito Barros Leal, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA)

He holds a PhD in History (Brazilian History and Culture Specialty) from the University of Lisbon (2014); Master in Philosophy (Ethics) from the State University of Ceará (2009); Specialist in Classical Studies (2005), Bachelor (2003) and Licensed (2002) in History, these three from the Federal University of Ceará. He is Adjunct Professor of the History Course at the Vale do Acaraú State University (Sobral-CE) where he acts as Tutor of the Tutorial Education Program and coordinates the Center for Historical Studies and Documentation - NEDHIS/UVA (in both cases with 1st management between 2018 -2021 with reappointment for the period 2021-2024). He is Leader of the Study Group on Ancient-Medieval Residuality (GERAM / UVA) and researcher at the Study Group on Literary and Cultural Residuality (GERLIC / UFC) and at the Laboratory of Ancient and Medieval History (LABHAM / UFPI). He was President of ANPUH-CE (2016-2018 and 2019-2020) and Vice-President of ANPUH-CE (2018-2019) and ANPUH-Brasil (2019-2021). He works mainly in the disciplines of Ancient History and Research in History and has been dedicated to investigating the correlation between History and Literature, dividing himself between two vast fields of reading: Greek tragic universe and Brazilian romanticism.

Cássia Alves da Silva, Instituto Federal do Ceará (IFCE)

She is Professor of Language and Literature at the Federal Institute of Ceará (IFCE), Campus Tabuleiro do Norte. She holds a PhD in Letters from the Graduate Program in Letters (PPGLetras), at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Master in Letters by PPGLetras/UFC). Member of the Study Group on Literary and Cultural Residuality (GERLIC/UFC). Leader of the research group Center for Theoretical-Critical Studies in Literary Writing and Linguistic Interactions (IFCE). Member of the Active Methodologies and Language Teaching group (MATEL/IFCE).

Francisca Yorranna da Silva

Doctoral student in Letters with a concentration area in Comparative Literature by the Graduate Program in Letters at the Federal University of Ceará. She was a Capes scholarship holder from October 2016 to August 2018 and is currently a Funcap scholarship holder. She served as a fellow of the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships / PIBIC, funded by CNPq (2014-2015). She participated in the Literary and Cultural Residuality Study Group from 2014 to 2018. She works with Brazilian literature with an emphasis on twentieth-century narratives.

Mary Nascimento da Silva Leitão, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

É Graduada em Letras pela Universidade Federal do Ceará. Mestra e doutora em Letras pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras (PPGLetras), da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Em 2003, participou do Verso de Boca (VB/UFC), grupo de performance poética cujo principal intuito é propagar a poesia brasileira, portuguesa e africana, através da voz, aos mais diversificados públicos. Em 2010, formou, com outras colegas de curso, o grupo Converso, que surge com a mesma proposta do VB e atua até hoje como propagador do texto poético. É integrante do Grupo de Estudos de Residualidade Literária e Cultural (GERLIC/UFC). Participa do Grupo Ceará em Letras, que publica anualmente artigos acerca de obras de autores cearenses. Foi professora de instituições públicas e privadas, tendo lecionado em escolas estaduais, na Universidade Vale do Acaraú, no campus de Juazeiro do Norte do Instituto Federal do Ceará, na Universidade Federal do Ceará na modalidade semipresencial e na modalidade presencial nas disciplinas relacionadas ao Ensino de Literatura, e atualmente é professora substituta do curso de Letras da Universidade Estadual do Ceará. Já participou de alguns projetos de poesia, dentre eles o “Diálogos Poéticos”, promovido pelo SESC. Hoje desenvolve pesquisas sobre representações femininas na literatura e ensino de literatura.

Luiza Maria Aragão Pontes, SEDUC-CE

She is a PhD student in Educational Sciences, Absolute Christian University – Florida - USA. Master in Educational Sciences, Absolute Christian University – Florida – USA; Postgraduate Lato Sensu Specialist in Philosophy of Education; Arts Teaching Methodologies; Scientific Research by UECE – State University of Ceará; Graduate: Environmental Management from UVA – Vale do Acaraú State University. Teacher Director of the EEFM Class José Bezerra de Menezes da Seduc – Secretary of Education of the State of Ceará. Bachelor in Business Administration at Unifor – University of Fortaleza. Degree in Letters\Portuguese\Literature\Spanish Language\Spanish Literature and also in Music at UECE (State University of Ceará) Published works: Main aspects of the Urban Space of Ancient Fortaleza in the Belle-Époque period – Volume 13 – Fazer Educativo, 2018 ; Brief Analysis of Clarice Lispector's life and reflections from Hora da Estrela – Volume 1 – Fazer Educativo, 2018; She has published poetry, short stories and chronicles in the following anthologies: Raul Seixas – A Metamorfose Ambulante (2020); The Divine Human Comedy (2019); Postmodern Happiness (2018); From the Belle Époque to the formation of the Barro Vermelho neighborhood (2007); Educação em Revista (2006); Melancholía – Academy of Uncertainty (1999).

Pedro Parga Rodrigues, SME-RJ

He holds a PhD in History (with a focus on Empire Brazil and Agrarian History) from the Fluminense Federal University; Master by Unirio. Postdoctoral fellow at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro and at Unirio. He works at INCT Proprietas and NUPEP. He is a professor at SME-RJ. He has already worked in disciplines related to the Empire of Brazil, Theory of History and Economic History.

Lara de Sousa Lutife

She is a Master's student in History, Culture and Spatialities at the State University of Ceará (PPGHCE/UECE-2022); Specialization in History Teaching Methodology at the Faculdade de Venda Nova do Imigrante (FAVENI); Graduated in History from the State University Vale do Acaraú - UVA (2021); She was a Scientific Initiation Scholarship by the Scholarship Program for University Permanence (PBPU)-(2019-2020); She served as a course monitor for the History of America I (2020.1); Member of the Study Group on Ancient-Medieval Residuality (GERAM); Member of the History, Gender and Latin America Study and Research Group (GEHGAL); These last four by the same institution. She is mainly interested in the following subjects: History and Literature; Nineteenth-century Brazil and Slavery and History Teaching. She is currently a professor at EEMTI Director Maria Dilma Bastos Ferreira.

Ana Alice Menescal, ANPUH-Secção Ceará

She holds a PhD in History (Brazilian History and Culture Specialty) from the University of Lisbon (2016); Master in Philosophy (Ethics) from the State University of Ceará (2009); Specialist in Classical Studies (2006) from the Federal University of Ceará; Degree in History (2003) also from the Federal University of Ceará. General Secretary of ANPUH-Ceará Section (Management 2020-2022). She is a researcher at the Study Group on Ancient-Medieval Residuality (GERAM / UVA) and her main topics of interest are: Residuality; Memory and Forgetting; Culture and Cultural Identity; Historiography and intellectuals.

Álvaro Ribeiro Regiani, Anpuh-Goiás

He is a doctoral candidate in History at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). Master in History (2018) from the University of Brasília (UnB), specialist in Philosophy (2009) from UnB and a degree in History from the State University of Goiás (UEG). He is effective professor of History of the Americas and Africa at the State University of Goiás-Campus Nordeste. He is currently a member of the board of Anpuh-Goiás and coordinator of the Cultural History WG of the Anpuh Goiás section.

Kenia Érica Gusmão Medeiros, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Goiás (IFG)

She holds a PhD in History (2019) from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). Master in History (2011) from the University of Brasília (UnB). Graduated in History (2008) from the State University of Goiás (UEG), Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás (IFG), where she works in higher, postgraduate and high school courses integrated into the technical modality. She has already worked as a teacher at the Education Department of the Federal District (SEEDF), at the State University of Goiás (UEG) and at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás (IF Goiano). She is currently part of the current board of the National Association of History (ANPUH) Goiás section, as first secretary. She is currently vice-coordinator of the ANPUH / GO History Teaching WG, member of the ANPUH / GO Gender WG and member of the ANPUH / GO History and Music WG. She is a member of the Editorial Board of Revista Ensino & Pesquisa. She has developed research especially in the areas of Teaching, Gender and Ethnicities and Public History. Currently, she is also studying a second degree in Sociology. Since 2010 she has been Malú's mother.

Edinaura Linhares Ferreira Lima

She is a Master's student in Comparative Literature (UFC). Specialist in Literature and Portuguese (UVA). Specialist in School Management (UFC). Graduated in Portuguese Literature from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Portuguese Language Teacher (SEDUC/CE). She has a research interest in issues related to the literary production of the writer Guimarães Rosa and issues related to culture and classical literature, especially Greek literature. She has experience in the area of Literature Teaching in the state public network. It has been published in the Annals of the XXVIII Week of Classical Studies: The ugly and the ugly in antiquity and its reception by the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Volunteer researcher at the Study Group on Narration and Theatrics in the Ancient World (GENTE).

Josenildo Ferreira Teófilo da Silva, SEDUC-CE

He is a PhD student in Letters at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), with research in the area of Comparative Literature and in the line “Literature: Tradition and Innovation”. Master from the same university, with work focused on the study of the relationship between the work of the English writer Virginia Woolf and the poet and playwright William Shakespeare. Graduation in Portuguese/English Literature and their respective literatures by UFC. He has experience in the area of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature. Research interests focused on questions related to modernist aesthetics, both Brazilian and English. He is currently an effective professor at the Secretariat of Education of Ceará - SEDUC-CE, working in the Portuguese language discipline.

Karine Costa Miranda, SEDUC-MA

She is a PhD student in Comparative Literature (Federal University of Ceará - 2019/2023). She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Literature in Portuguese / Spanish from the Federal University of Maranhão (2010), Specialization in School and Educational Management from the Núcleo de Tecnologias para Educação (2019), Master's Degree in Literary Studies from the Federal University of Piauí (2014). She works mainly on the following subjects: Portuguese Literature; Contemporary Literature; Memory; Identity; Valter Hugo Mãe. Portuguese Language Teacher (Seduc/MA) since 2016. Text proofreader at Uema's Rectory Office since 2017. Portuguese Language Teacher (Semed/MA) since 2020.

Denise Rocha

Tem formação em Magistério, licenciatura em Letras, doutorado em Literatura e Vida Social (UNESP, campus de Assis) e bacharelado em História pela Ruprechts-Karl-Universität, em Heidelberg, Alemanha, onde obteve o título de Magister Artium. Tem interesse em leituras e pesquisas nas áreas de Literatura Alemã e de Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa: literatura regionalista e de temática indígena e negra do Brasil; literatura de viagem, épica, realista, neorrealista e contemporânea de Portugal; literatura colonial e pós-colonial da África (Cabo Verde, São Tomé e Príncipe, Guiné-Bissau, Angola e Moçambique) e literatura colonial e de pós-independência da Ásia (Timor-Leste, Macau e Goa).

Renato Drummond Tapioca Neto, SEDUC-BA

He has a degree in History from the State University of Santa Cruz - UESC (2014) and a Master in Memory: Language and Society from the State University of Southwest Bahia - UESB (2017). He is a writer and since 2012 he maintains the website “Rainhas Trágicas”, dedicated to the History of Women in the Ancien Regime. Among his main research themes, the following stand out: Ancien Régime, Tudorian England, Brazil Empire, History of Women, Gender and Sexuality, Brazilian Literature and José de Alencar. In 2017, he defended the dissertation entitled “The Empire and the Lady: Memory, Society and Slavery in José de Alencar”. In addition, he is the author of the book “Tragic Queens: fifteen women who shaped the destiny of Europe”. Almedina, Portugal: Vogais Editora, 2016, 380 p. Currently, he is a Public Servant of the Education Department of the State of Bahia (SEC) and Effective Professor of History at the State College Lauro Farani Pedreira de Freitas (Iaçu-BA).

Mariana Schulmeister Kuhn

She holds a degree in History from the State University of Ponta Grossa (PR), a Master's in History from the same institution and a member of the Nucleus of Studies in Intellectual History (UEPG). She is a doctoral student in the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Paraná and develops research on History and Literature, focusing on the prose and dramaturgy of José de Alencar and on the theater of Júlia Lopes de Almeida. One of his main works is his Master's thesis, entitled: “Souls that regenerate: representations of prostitution in the literature of José de Alencar, 1858-1868”.

Erivan Cassiano Karvat, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (PR)

Graduated, master and doctor in History (UFPR), he is an associate professor at the Department of History and the Graduate Program in History at the State University of Ponta Grossa (PR), acting mainly in the disciplines of Theory of History. With experience in teaching and research, he has been dedicated to investigations in the areas of Intellectual History, Social Thought and Brazilian Historiography and, among others, the articulations between History and Literature. He is part of the Research Group (CNPq) Intellectuals, Discourses, Institutions (UEPG). In the area of discussion (or intersections) between History, Literature and Social Thought, he published, among others: History & Literature: reflections on the History of History from notes on the History of Literature (In. GRUNER, C.; DENIPOTI, C. (Orgs.). In the Tramas da Ficção: history, literature and reading. São Paulo: Ateliê, 2008) and, more recently, Vidas como advent: inquiries (based on the biographies of Faris Michaele) about life trajectories, biographies and history writing. (In: COSTA, Hilton et al. (Orgs.). Paraná along the way: stories, trajectories and perspectives - images. Curitiba: Máquina de Escritor, 2017) and, co-authored, Formation and history: about the place of João Cruz Costa no Pensamento Social Brasileiro (In: TRINDADE, et al. (Orgs.). On the margin of the anons: social thought and interpretations of Brazil II. Curitiba: Editora da UFPR, 2017). In 2018 he carried out a postdoctoral internship at FLUL – Faculty of Letters – of the University of Lisbon.

Capa José de Alencar in Cena: Estudos da Dramaturgia Alencariana. Volume 2



June 1, 2022