GEODOC PUBLICATIONS: Teaching Geography - Discussions
Geography, Teaching Geography, DiscussionsSynopsis
The fourteen chapters of this book have the themes varied, that is: five texts with discussions on geography teaching; Two texts on environmental education: two texts on teaching methodologies geography; two texts about the urban with an emphasis in teaching and use for children; a text about the history of geography especially about the system of postgraduate studies in Brazil; a text about the We Project We propose! and a text on geographic education. Each chapter is an opportunity to get to know a little about what is most current in geographic research and production in Portuguese. All texts were produced by teaching colleagues who were studying the Postgraduate Program in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí under the guidance and supervision of Prof. Raimundo Lenilde. Good reading!
Analysis of postgraduate paths in Geography in Brazil
City for children:presences and/or absences of children's spaces
Contextualization of the We Propose Project! in the state of Piauí
Right to the city:institution of the city statute - mechanism guiding urban planning
Non-formal environmental education from Project We Propose!
Environmental education and geographic education:possibilities to be explored from the We Propose Project!
Teaching Geography and meaningful learning:a look at the early years of elementary school
Teaching Geography and landscape in the initial years, from the perspective Teresina's curriculum
Geographic education for citizenship from a curriculum perspective from Teresina/Piauí/Brazil
Teaching Geography and physical-natural themes in the initial years in Teresina's curriculum
Geography teaching, landscape concept and textbook
Geocast:the contributions of the podcast and the potential for geographic education
Geography in the early years:curriculum and textbook online municipal education district of Teresina/PI
Using drawing in Geography classes
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