School Geographic Atlas - São José do Seridó: my place in the world


João Eduardo Azevedo da Costa
Josimar Araújo de Medeiros
Rede estadual de ensino do RN
Diógenes Félix da Silva Costa
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


Geographic atlas, São José do Seridó-RN, Geography


The main objective of the School Geographic Atlas is to encourage the teaching of Geography in classes from the 6th to the 7th years of Elementary School. There are several maps, images, graphs, tables, explanatory texts and pedagogical suggestions to make it easier for students to get closer to the place where they live. In this way, through the use of this product in Geography classes, we aim to awaken the individual and collective interest of the students in question, as it is the “Place” of each subject’s daily experience and their relationship with other places in the “World”. By contemplating the pages of the atlas, it will be possible for the student to understand the relationships that São José do Seridó, as a specific place, has with other places in the world, without having to lose its particular characteristics.

Author Biographies

João Eduardo Azevedo da Costa

Graduated in Geography CERES/UFRN (full degree), with a Master's degree in Geography (GEOPROF/CERES/UFRN), worked as a Substitute teacher at Escola Municipal Raul de Medeiros Dantas in 2018 and works as a collaborating teacher at the Municipal Department of Education and Culture of São José do Seridó – RN.

Josimar Araújo de Medeiros, Rede estadual de ensino do RN

Graduated in Geography, with a Specialization in Bioecology and Semiarid Geography, Master's in Sanitary Engineering, PhD in Development and Environment and Post-Doctorate in Geography. He has been teaching for 37 years. He works in the state education network of RN and as a volunteer contributing teacher at CERES. He is the author of six books, three of which he co-authored.

Diógenes Félix da Silva Costa, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Geographer and Doctor in Ecology. He is Adjunct Professor IV in the Department of Geography at the Center for Human Sciences, Letters and Arts-CCHLA / UFRN, teaching the subjects of Ecology, Biogeography, as well as topics related to Environmental Geography. Coordinates the Lab & Research Group on Biogeography of Tropical Ecosystems (TRÓPIKOS/UFRN), developing research in the areas of characterization of coastal ecosystems, classification and mapping of ecosystem services, biogeography of wetlands, phytogeography of tropical ecosystems, environmental monitoring and teaching physical geography/biogeography. He also works as a professor in the Postgraduate Programs in Geography and Development and Environment at UFRN. Since 2022, he has been Head of the Environmental Studies Sector at the Câmara Cascudo Museum / UFRN.

Capa Atlas Geográfico Escolar



December 1, 2023