Curriculum and teaching of geography


Claudia do Carmo Rosa (ed)
Goiás State University, Goiás Federal University
Lucineide Mendes Pires (ed)
Universidade Estadual de Goiás (UEG)
Mugiany Oliveira Brito Portela (ed)
Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI


Teaching Geography, Geography, Study and teaching.


The book Curriculum and Teaching of Geography is a product of the Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Curriculo, Ensino e Formação de Professores de Geografía (GECEF). It brings together the intellectual efforts of researchers who draw different contributions and points of view on the curriculum, or the teaching and training of Geography teachers. The work was organized by professors Cláudia do Carmo Rosa, Lucineide Mendes Pires and Mugiany Oliveira Brito Portela. This is an opportune and necessary reading to discuss current questões sobre a BNCC, o Novo Ensino Médio, as Diretrizes Curriculares, a formação, a prática e autonomia teaching, besides other debates encouraged and constructed without collective effort.


  • Geographic education in initial teacher training:
    the case of Pedagogy in History and Geography at the University of La Serena
    Fabián Araya Palacios, Sandra Álvarez Barahona
  • Limits and possibilities of curricular flexibility in courses training of Geography teachers, not the context of Directors National Curricular – DCN (2002)
    Lana de Souza Cavalcanti, Lucineide Mendes Pires
  • Curriculum and autonomy in teacher pedagogical practice
    Claudia do Carmo Rosa, Vanilton Camilo de Souza
  • The strength of contexts in shaping school curricula:
    contributions from Bernstein and Charlotte
    Daniel Luiz Stefenon, Pablo Jonathan Prado
  • School curriculum and teaching Geography at school:
    changes to based on the curricular reforms proposed in the BNCC and in the new High school
    Carina Copatti
  • The BNCC as a curricular guide for teaching Geography:
    the relationship between Curricula, PPP and teaching autonomy
    Mugiany Oliveira Brito Portela
  • The National Common Curricular Base (BNCC):
    challenges and/or possibilities
    Francisco Tomaz de Moura Júnior, Suzana Ribeiro Lima Oliveira
  • The BNCC, The New High School and Geography:
    scenarios of change and possible (re)actions
    Leonardo Ferreira Farias da Cunha
  • Structural and epistemological aspects of Brazilian textbooks and Portuguese in secondary/secondary education
    Armstrong Miranda Evangelista
  • The outside within the school: on Socio-Spatial Practices, Curriculum, Knowledge Networks and the Teaching of School Geography
    Andrea Coelho Lastória, Silvia Letícia Costa Pereira Correia
  • Looking for ways to innovate and teach Geography:
    educational practices of the We Propose Project in the municipality of Gália-SP
    Silvia Aparecida de Sousa Fernandes, Sônia Aparecida de Sena Fernandes


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Author Biographies

Claudia do Carmo Rosa, Goiás State University, Goiás Federal University

Post-doctorate in Geography (UFG). Master and PhD in Geography (UFG). Specialist in Teaching and Research in Geography in Brazil (UFG). Graduated in Geography and Pedagogy (UEG). She is an effective teacher in Pedagogy and Psychology courses at the State University of Goiás – Inhumas University Unit. She is an effective member of the Center for Teaching and Research in Geographic Education (NEPEG) and is co-leader of the Study and Research Group: curriculum, teaching and training of Geography teachers (GECEF). She works on the following topics: Curriculum, Didactics, Teacher Training, Geography Teaching, Early Years.

Lucineide Mendes Pires, Universidade Estadual de Goiás (UEG)

Pós-doutora em Geografia (UFG); Doutora em Geografia (UFG); Mestre em Geografia (UFG); Graduada em Licenciatura em Geografia (UEG). Foi professora colaboradora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia do Instituto de Estudos Socioambientais (IESA) da UFG. Professora efetiva do Curso de Geografia da Universidade Estadual de Goiás (UEG) – Campus Sul: sede Morrinhos. É professora de Didática, Prática de Ensino e Estágio Supervisionado em Geografia. É líder do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas: Currículo, Ensino e Formação de Professores de Geografia (GECEF), cadastrado no CNPq. Membro efetivo do Núcleo de Ensino e Pesquisa em Educação Geográfica (NEPEG) e do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em ensino de Cidade (NUPEC), sediados no Lepeg/IESA/UFG. Desenvolve pesquisas nos seguintes temas: ensino e formação de professores de Geografia; currículo, políticas educacionais e curriculares; jovens; cultura geográfica; lugar e cidade.

Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.

Mugiany Oliveira Brito Portela, Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI

PhD in Geography from UFG. Master's degree in Development and Environment from UFPI. Degree in Geography from UESPI. She is a professor of the Postgraduate course in Geography at the Federal University of Piauí and the Geography course at the Federal University of Piauí. She works mainly on the following topics: geography teaching, city teaching and curriculum. She participates in GECEF, NUPEG, GAAE and NEPEG.

Andrea Coelho Lastória, FFCLRP - USP

Full Lecturer in Education, in the area of Geography Teaching, by FFCLRP - USP. Post-Doctorate in Didactics of Geography and History at the University of Oviedo - Spain with a scholarship from the Carolina Foundation. Master and PhD in Education, in the area of Teaching Methodology, from UFSCar. Graduate and Bachelor in Geography from UNESP in Rio Claro and in Pedagogy from Faculdade Plínio Augusto do Amaral (SP). She is an Associate Professor at USP, effective at FFCLRP. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Education at FFCLRP. Professor of the Pedagogy Course at FFCLRP, at USP. She coordinates the research group “Study of the Locality of Ribeirão Preto-ELO”. Director of the Iberoamerican Forum on Education, Geography and Society - Geoforo. Representative of Brazil on the Education Committee of the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History - IPGH. Member of the Interdisciplinary Educator Training Laboratory - LAIFE, at FFCLRP / USP.

Armstrong Miranda Evangelista, Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI

Post-Doctorate in Geography from the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning at the University of Lisbon. PhD in Education from UFC. Master's degree in Education from UFPI. Specialization in Geography from PUC - Minas Gerais. Full Degree in Geography from UFPI. He is an effective Associate IV professor in the Postgraduate Program in Geography at UFPI. He works mainly on the following topics: Geography teaching, school Geography, education and Geography curriculum. He participates in the Center for Research and Extension in Geography Teaching-NUPEG. He coordinates the GEOEDUC research group. Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq. br/7014398522711293.

Carina Copatti, GECEF

Post-doctorate in Educational Policies from the Postgraduate Program in Education - UFFS, Chapecó campus. PhD in Science Education from UNIJUÍ; Master in Education and Graduated in Geography from the University of Passo Fundo – UPF. Graduated in Pedagogy from the International University Center (UNINTER). Professor at the Department of Education, Politics and Society (DEPS) and the Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGE), at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). She coordinates the Study and Research Group on Educational Policies, Curriculum and School Pedagogical Processes (GEPECPE-UFES). She is part of the Study and Research Group on Curriculum, Teaching and Training of Geography Teachers (GECEF) and works as a collaborator in the Study and Research Group on Higher Education (GEPES-UPF). She concentrates her research in the area of Geography and Education. Lattes:

Claudia do Carmo Rosa, State University of Goiás, Federal University of Goiás

Post-doctorate in Geography (UFG). Master and PhD in Geography (UFG). Specialist in Teaching and Research in Geography in Brazil (UFG). Graduated in Geography and Pedagogy (UEG). She is an effective teacher in Pedagogy and Psychology courses at the State University of Goiás – Inhumas University Unit. She is an effective member of the Center for Teaching and Research in Geographic Education (NEPEG) and is co-leader of the Study and Research Group: curriculum, teaching and training of Geography teachers (GECEF). She works on the following topics: Curriculum, Didactics, Teacher Training, Geography Teaching, Early Years.

Daniel Luiz Stefenon, IFC/Brusque

PhD in Education from USP and Master in Geography from UFPR. Graduated in Geography from the State University of the Midwest – Unicentro. Professor at the Department of Teaching Theory and Practice at UFPR; in the Postgraduate Program in Education at Unicentro (PPGE) and the Professional Master's in Geography Teaching (ProfGeo), Polo IFC/Brusque. He develops teaching, extension and research activities in the area of Geography Teaching.

Fabián Araya Palacios, National University of Cuyo, University of La Serena

Postdoctorate at the Federal University of Goiás. Doctor in Geography from the National University of Cuyo, Argentina. Master in Education with emphasis in Geography from the National Pedagogical University of Colombia. Professor of State in History and Geography and Degree in Education from the University of La Serena, Chile. He is currently Full Professor of the Department of Social Sciences at the University of La Serena. Avenida Raúl Bitrán Nachary 1305. Campus Andrés Bello. La Serena, Chile.

Francisco Tomaz de Moura Júnior

He has a bachelor's and master's degree in Geography from UFJ. He is currently a doctoral candidate in the Postgraduate Program in Geography (PPGGeo) at UFJ. He has experience in the area of Geography, with an emphasis on Geography Teaching, working mainly on the following topics: Geography teaching, teacher training, professional identity.

Lana de Souza Cavalcanti, Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG

Post-doctorate in Geography from the Complutense University of Madrid/Spain (2005) and the University of Buenos Aires/Argentina (2017). PhD in Geography (USP); Master in Education (UFG); Graduated in Geography (UFG). She is a 1D Research Productivity Fellow from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). She is currently a Full Professor at the Federal University of Goiás, working in the Bachelor's and Degree courses in Geography and in the Postgraduate Program in Geography, as well as in the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Jataí. She coordinates the Laboratory of Studies and Research in Geographic Education (LEPEG). Participates in the following Research Groups: Center for Teaching and Research in Geographic Education (NEPEG), Latin American Network of Researchers in Geography Didactics (REDLADGEO), Center for Studies and Research in Education and the City (NUPEC). She coordinates the following groups: GeoPensar Group; Collaborative City and Citizenship Teaching Network (RECCI), Education and City Research Network (REPEC). She is Editor-in-Chief of Signos Geéticos Magazine. She has experience in the area of Geography, with an emphasis on Teaching-Learning and Urban Geography, working mainly on the following topics: Geography Teaching, Teacher Training, Place, City and Urban Space.

Leonardo Ferreira Farias da Cunha, State Department of Education of the Federal District, University of Brasília

Doctor and Master in Geography (UnB). Graduated in Geography (UEG). He is a teacher at the State Department of Education of the Federal District. He is part of the Center for Teaching and Research in Geographic Education (NEPEG) and the Research Group on Teaching, Learning and Training of Geography Teachers – GEAF / UnB. He is part of the Iberoamerican network of research professors of the We Propose Project! Citizenship and Innovation in Geographic Education. He works on the following topics: Teaching Geography; geographic reasoning; Pedagogical Content Knowledge; physical-natural components.

Lucineide Mendes Pires, Universidade Estadual de Goiás - UEG

Post-doctorate in Geography (UFG); PhD in Geography (UFG); Master in Geography (UFG); Graduated in Geography (UEG). She was a collaborating professor in the Postgraduate Program in Geography at the Institute of Socio-Environmental Studies (IESA) at UFG. Effective professor of the Geography Course at the State University of Goiás (UEG) – South Campus: Morrinhos headquarters. She is a professor of Didactics, Teaching Practice and Supervised Internship in Geography. She is leader of the Study and Research Group: Curriculum, Teaching and Training of Geography Teachers (GECEF), registered with CNPq. Effective member of the Center for Teaching and Research in Geographic Education (NEPEG) and the Center for Studies and Research in City Education (NUPEC), based at Lepeg/IESA/UFG. She carries out research on the following topics: teaching and training Geography teachers; curriculum, educational and curricular policies; young people; geographic culture; place and city.

Pablo Jonathan Prado

Master in Education from the State University of the Midwest (Unicentro). Degree in Geography - Degree from Unicentro, Irati-PR campus. He was part of the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBID) and the Pedagogical Residency Program. Participated in the Scientific Initiation Program (PROIC) in the area of Geography Education and Teaching.

Sandra Álvarez Barahona, University of La Serena

PhD in Education from the University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain. Master in Educational Management at Universidad Diego Portales, Chile. State Professor in History and Geography and Graduate in Education from the University of La Serena, Chile. She is currently director of the Unidad de Gestión Integrada de las Pedagogías (UGIP) and academic of the Department of Social Sciences of the University of La Serena. Avenida Raúl Bitrán Nachary 1305. Campus Andrés Bello. La Serena, Chile.

Silvia Aparecida de Sousa Fernandes, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)

PhD in Sociology (UNESP); master in Geography (UNESP); graduated in Geography (UNESP); Professor of the postgraduate program in Territorial Development in Latin America and the Caribbean – Territory, at the Paulista State University (UNESP), and in the graduate course in Social Sciences at the Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences, Marília. E-mail: Develop research on the following topics: teaching Geography; curriculum, educational and curricular policies; food and nutritional security and sovereignty.

Silvia Letícia Costa Pereira Correia, Seduc-BA

Pós-Doutoranda in the Department of Education, Information and Communication of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (USP). Teacher in Education and Contemporary Education, for the Post-Graduation Program in Education and Contemporary Education (PPGEduC/UNEB). Master in Management and Applied Technologies in Education (GESTEC/UNEB). Specialist in Teacher Training for EaD (UNINTER), Specialist in Basic Education of Youth and Adults (UNEB). Specialist in Psychopedagogy (UCSAL). Graduated in Pedagogy (UFBA). Professor in the beginning years of Fundamental Education and Pedagogical Coordinator, since since 2010, she has been Manager of a School of the Municipal Education Network of Salvador / BA. She has experience in the area of Education with emphasis on Technological and Learning Processes; Fundamental Teaching I; Didactic; Supervised State; Curriculum; Teacher Training; School Daily e Representações Socioespaciais.

Sônia Aparecida de Sena Fernandes, Seduc-SP

Master's degree in Sociology (UNESP) and Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences (UNESP), Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences, Marília-SP. Teacher at the São Paulo state education network. She currently works as school director.

Suzana Ribeiro Lima Oliveira, Federal University of Goiás

Possui doutorado pela UFG; Master in Geography at UFJ; Pós-graduação Latu sensu em Metodologia do Ensino de Geografía in the Educational Process of the Faculdade de Educação São Luiz-SP; Pós-graduação Latu sensu em Supervisão Escolar pela Faculdade Albert Einstein-DF; Graduation in Geography from UFJ; Graduation from the Higher Normal School at the Albert Einstein College. She is an adjunct professor at UFG, being linked to the Bachelor's degree in Geography and Post-Graduation in Geography courses. She has experience in the area of Geography, mainly working on the following topics: Education, school management, teaching of Geography, teacher training in Geography and geographic teacher identity(s).

Vanilton Camilo de Souza, IESA/UFG

Postdoctorate in Human Geography at USP, Professor in Geography at UFG, Master in Education at UFMG, specialist in Human Geography at PUC-MG; Graduated in Geography from PUC-GO. Adjunct professor at IESA/UFG in the Geography Teaching area and integrates post-graduação in the same area. He carries out research on the mediating processes of teaching Geography, on the production of teaching materials for School Geography and on the initial and continued training of teachers in Geography.

Capa Currículo e ensino de geografia


November 1, 2023