Education for safe care: : the (trans)formative role of the University


Glícia Uchôa Gomes Mendonça (ed)
Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)
Jayana Castelo Branco Cavalcante de Meneses (ed)
Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)
José Gerfeson Alves (ed)


Nursing, University extension, Education, Care


Around 1999, through the Report “To Err is Human”, published in the United States, concern with what we call Patient Safety emerged and developed.

It is therefore necessary to develop energetic actions and strong attitudes in order to sensitize students to be agents who disseminate practices based on the search for maximum safety in teaching-learning environments, from basic health to the highest level of health care. .

In this context, the Regional University of Cariri, through the Undergraduate Nursing Course, of the Decentralized Unit of Iguatu, developed the Extension Project “Education for Safe Care”, a pioneering and differentiated initiative, which has its strategies duly explained and detailed, one by one, in each chapter, serving, in particular, as an inspiration for harm-free health practices to be increasingly common.


    contributions from the education extension project for the safe care
    José Gerfeson Alves, Vinícius Rodrigues de Oliveira, Kelly Suianne de Oliveira Lima, Ana Bruna Gomes da Silva, Jayana Castelo Branco Cavalcante de Meneses, Glícia Uchôa Gomes Mendonça
    the search for transformation in the quality of assistance
    Agna Teixeira Braga, Kamila de Castro Morais, Kelly Suianne de Oliveira Lima, Maryza Rodrigues da Silva, Cíntia Gomes Feitoza, Glícia Uchôa Gomes Mendonça, Jayana Castelo Branco Cavalcante de Meneses
  • educational dynamics on the hygiene protocol for hands:
    experience report
    Lorena Pinheiro Braga, Maria Luiza Santos Ferreira, José Gerfeson Alves, Maria Janaína do Ó Vieira, Jayana Castelo Branco Cavalcante de Meneses, Glícia Uchôa Gomes Mendonça
  • plAntão show:
    educational game as a teaching strategy of the hand hygiene process
    Kamila de Castro Morais, Antonio Wellington Vieira Mendes, Maria Luiza Santos Ferreira, Mariana Cordeiro da Silva, Jayana Castelo Branco Cavalcante de Meneses, Glícia Uchôa Gomes Mendonça
  • EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY ON SECURITY PROTOCOL IN prescription, use and administration of medications
    Leonarda Marques Pereira, Antonio Wellington Vieira Mendes, Ana Bruna Gomes da Silva, Paloma Loiola Leite, Glícia Uchôa Gomes Mendonça, Jayana Castelo Branco Cavalcante de Meneses
  • Educational game application on ways of administration medicines
    Irene Custódia da Silva, Maria Janaína do Ó Vieira, Lorena Pinheiro Braga, Sarah Lucena Nunes, Jayana Castelo Branco Cavalcante de Meneses, Glícia Uchôa Gomes Mendonça
    Paloma Loiola Leite, Kadson Araujo da Silva, Agna Teixeira Braga, Marcos Paulo Mota Sousa, Natana de Morais Ramos, Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele Lima de Carvalho, Glícia Uchôa Gomes Mendonça, Jayana Castelo Branco Cavalcante de Meneses
  • implementation of a strategy for secure identification of patient
    Mariana Cordeiro da Silva, Francisco Erasmo Alves dos Santos, Marcos Paulo Mota Sousa, Maryza Rodrigues da Silva, Glícia Uchôa Gomes Mendonça, Jayana Castelo Branco Cavalcante de Meneses
  • development of a flowchart as a pArA method PATIENT IDENTIFICATION
    Kadson Araujo da Silva, Karla Joyce Vieira da Silva, Leonarda Marques Pereira, Sarah Lucena Nunes, Natana de Morais Ramos, Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele Lima de Carvalho, Jayana Castelo Branco Cavalcante de Meneses, Glícia Uchôa Gomes Mendonça
  • hand hygiene for users of a healthcare service mental:
    contributions from the extension project
    Francisco Erasmo Alves dos Santos, Karla Joyce Vieira da Silva, Vinícius Rodrigues de Oliveira, Irene Custódia da Silva, Glícia Uchôa Gomes Mendonça, Jayana Castelo Branco Cavalcante de Meneses

Author Biographies

Glícia Uchôa Gomes Mendonça, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

Nurse from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA). She has a Nursing Residency in Intensive Care from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), an MBA in Health Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), specialization in Clinical Management in Health Regions from Hospital Sírio-Libanês. Master in Technology and Innovation in Nursing from the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR). Coordinating professor of the Education for Safe Care extension project: the (trans)formative role of the University.

Jayana Castelo Branco Cavalcante de Meneses, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

Nurse from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA). Master in Nursing from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA). Collaborating professor in the extension project Education for Safe Care: The (trans)formative role of the University.

José Gerfeson Alves

Nurse graduated from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA). Master's student in Nursing from the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (UNILAB). Member of the Women's Health and Nursing Research Group (GRUPESM).

Agna Teixeira Braga, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

Student of the 9th semester of the Undergraduate Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA/UDI). Participant of the Research Group on Sexuality, Gender, Sexual Diversity and Inclusion (GPESGDI). Member of the Gynecology Nursing Office Extension Projects: protagonism and innovation in sexual and reproductive health and Education for Safe Care: the (trans)forming role of the university. Scholarship holder for the Scientific Initiation Project: Oral history of women living with HIV/AIDS.

Ana Bruna Gomes da Silva, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

Student of the 8th period of the Undergraduate Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI). Participant of the Clinical Research, Care and Health Management Group (GPCLIN). Member of the Education for Safe Care Extension Project: The (trans)formative role of the University.

Antonio Wellington Vieira Mendes, Universidade Regional do Cariri (Urca)

Student of the 10th period of the Undergraduate Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI). Participant of the Clinical Research, Care and Health Management Group (GPCLIN) and the Cardiovascular Care Research and Extension Group (GPCARDIO). Member of the Education for Safe Care Extension Project: The (trans)formative role of the University. Scientific Initiation Scholarship from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA).

Cíntia Gomes Feitoza, Universidade do Distrito Federal

Nurse from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA). Postgraduate student in Occupational Nursing. Primary Care Manager in Tauá. Professor at the University of the Federal District.

Francisco Erasmo Alves dos Santos, Centro de Triagem para Sintomático Respiratório de Piquet Carneiro

Nurse graduated from the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI). Postgraduate student in Family Health. Nurse working in Primary Health Care in the municipality of Piquet Carneiro-CE. Assistant Nurse at the Triage Center for Respiratory Symptomatics in Piquet Carneiro.

Irene Custódia da Silva

Graduated in Nursing from the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI), member of the Health and Patient Safety Extension Project.

Kadson Araujo da Silva

Student of the 10th period of the Undergraduate Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI). Participant of the Clinical Research, Care and Health Management Group (GPCLIN). Member of the Education for Safe Care Extension Project: The (trans)formative role of the University. Scholarship holder for the Health Literacy Scientific Initiation Project from the Perspective of Primary Health Care Nurses.

Kamila de Castro Morais

Student of the 10th period of the Undergraduate Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI). Participant of the Clinical Research, Care and Health Management Group (GPCLIN). Member of the Education for Safe Care Extension Project: The (trans)formative role of the University. Scholarship holder for the Scientific Initiation Project by the Ceará Foundation for Support to Scientific and Technological Development (FUNCAP).

Karla Joyce Vieira da Silva

Nurse from the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI).

Kelly Suianne de Oliveira Lima

Student of the 10th period of the Undergraduate Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI). Participant of the Research Group on Sexuality, Gender, Sexual Diversity and Inclusion (GPESGDI). Member of the Education for Safe Care Extension Project: The (trans)formative role of the University.

Leonarda Marques Pereira

Student of the 10th period of the Undergraduate Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI). Participant of the Clinical Research, Care and Health Management Group (GPCLIN). Member of the Education for Safe Care Extension Project: The (trans)formative role of the University and Extension Project Living Well at the Best Age.

Lorena Pinheiro Braga, Cariri Regional University

Student of the 10th period of the Undergraduate Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI). Participant of the Clinical, Care and Management Research Group (GPCLIN). Member of the Education for Safe Care Extension Project: The (trans)formative role of the University. Scholarship holder for the Gynecology Nursing Office Extension Project: protagonism and innovation in sexual and reproductive health.

Marcos Paulo Mota Sousa

Graduated in Nursing from the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI).

Maria Janaína do Ó Vieira

Nurse from the Regional University of Cariri-Urca. Participant of the Clinical, Care and Management Research Group (GPCLIN).

Maria Luiza Santos Ferreira

Student of the 10th period of the Undergraduate Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI). Participant of the Clinical Research, Care and Health Management Group (GPCLIN) and Member of the Education for Safe Care Extension Project.

Mariana Cordeiro da Silva

Student of the 10th period of the Undergraduate Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI). Participant of the Clinical Research, Care and Health Management Group (GPCLIN) and Member of the Education for Safe Care Extension Project. Scientific Initiation Scholarship from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA).

Maryza Rodrigues da Silva

Student of the 9th period of the Undergraduate Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI). Fellow of the Romanticized Motherhood project: expectations and consequences of the expected social role of a mother (URCA). Graduated in Pedagogy (UNINTA). Postgraduate student in Clinical and Institutional Psychopedagogy (UNIFIC).

Natana de Morais Ramos

Nurse. Nursing Professor at the Regional University of Cariri. PhD student in Clinical Care at the State University of Ceará (UECE). Master's Degree in Nursing and Health Care. Specialist in Urgency and Emergency — São Camilo Educação.

Paloma Loiola Leite

Student of the 6th period of the Undergraduate Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI). Fellow of the Coisa de Adolescente Extension Project: promoting adolescent health through a podcast.

Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele Lima de Carvalho, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (Uece)

Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Ceará. Specialist in Intensive Care Unit (UECE). Master and PhD from the Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing. Professor of the Nursing course at the State University of Ceará (UECE).

Sarah Lucena Nunes

Student of the 9th period of the Undergraduate Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI). Participant of the Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Health Research and Extension Group (GPESCC). Member of the Education for Safe Care Extension Project: The (trans)formative role of the University. Fellow of the Scientific Initiation Project Behavioral Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Nursing Students.

Vinícius Rodrigues de Oliveira

Student of the 10th period of the Undergraduate Nursing course at the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu (URCA/UDI). Member of the Clinical Research, Care and Health Management Group (GPCLIN). Extensionist for the Education for Safe Care extension project: The (Trans)formative role of the University. Scholarship holder for the Canal Saúde project in Educational Care for Youth.

Book cover Education for safe care: the (trans)formative role of the University



February 1, 2022