Dialogues of History Taught

2 Titles

The series Diálogos da História Ensinada, produced by ProfHistória, from
Universidade Regional do Cariri, aims to stimulate debate around the teaching of history based on powerful themes of our time. Consisting of 5 volumes: vol. 01 – Teaching history, arts and crafts; vol. 02 Teaching with public history: challenges, themes and experiences; vol. 03 Teaching knowledge; vol. 04: Space, Temporalities and the Teaching of History and vol. 05 – Teaching History and Differences; The series highlights the relationships between teaching and learning established in the daily practice of history professionals and their own experiences, considered here as sources for teaching. It is also important to highlight the importance of thinking about the different regions of the country, the knowledge mobilized and used by history teachers in their daily teaching.

All Books

Book cover Teaching History, arts of doing
Volume 1

Teaching History, arts of making

Francisco Egberto de Melo (ed), Paula Cristiane de Lyra Santos (ed), Ana Carla Sabino (ed)
November 1, 2022
Cover of the book Teaching with Public History: challenges, themes and experiences
Volume 2

Teaching with public history: : challenges, themes and experiences

Sônia Meneses (ed), Sonia Maria de Almeida Ignatiuk Wanderley (ed), Rosilene Alves Melo (ed)
November 1, 2022