Health history and religions


Cláudia Freitas de Oliveira (ed)
Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)


History of health, History of religions, Memory, Historiography


Book with articles presented at the VI International Seminar on History and Historiography. The works gathered here were part of the Thematic Symposia “History and Health experiences, memories, society, culture and power”, “Religion, Politics and Social Struggles in Republican Brazil”, “Health, gender and science debates and perspectives in history” and “ Cultural History of Religions”. Volume history, in its specific focuses and approaches.


  • Hygienist discourses and the construction of the space of death in the village of Conceição do Azevedo (Jardim do Seridó, RN — 1856-1903)
    Luana Barros de Azevedo
  • History of nursing research: analysis of the scientific production of the nursing course at a private HEI in Fortaleza
    Raquel Figueiredo Barretto
  • Reading about Cícero Doido:
    analysis of medical and legal definitions of madness in Caicó in the 1940s
    Sérgio Medeiros de Almeida
  • Leprosy and the lyrics:
    a patient and his multiple temporalities in the city of Belém, 20th century
    Elane Cristina Rodrigues Gomes
  • Criminalization and pathologization:
    female prisoners in Ceará (1970)
    Cynthia Corvello
  • State, charity and philanthropy:
    child care in the pages of the newspaper O Diário Oficial
    Lívia Suelen Sousa Moraes Meneses
  • Doctors from Ceará in Newspaper Articles:
    aspects of mental health in the 1980s and 1990s
    Cláudia Freitas de Oliveira
  • Funeral memories of Zacheu Cordeiro:
    the death of the homeopath
    Túlio Brenno Brito de Sousa
  • Phthisis and textile workers in Fortaleza:
    a close link (1933 - 1950)
    José Cleudon de Oliveira Neto
  • The peculiarities of health and diseases among indigenous peoples in Ceará (1988-2020)
    Roberto Kennedy Gomes Franco
  • The action of the Catholic Church and its presence among workers Fortaleza port workers (1912-1933)
    Nágila Maia de Morais Galvão
  • The persecution of prostitutes and the pastoral action of “Ninho Cearense” (Fortaleza, 1960 — 1980)
    Taynara Mirelle do Nascimento de Araújo
  • Diocesan Cáritas of Limoeiro do Norte:
    experiences of struggle and faith in the Middle and Lower Jaguaribe-CE (1990 — 2014)
    Carolina Rodrigues Moreira
  • Between philanthropy and local power:
    the Salesians in the city of Recife (1892-1906)
    Jaqueline Calixto dos Santos
  • Catholicism and the rural face of the Workers' Party in the 1980
    Ciro Alcântara de Araújo
  • Catholic clergy and student movement in Maranhão:
    essay on struggles and resistance in the context of Brazil's redemocratization
    Camila da Silva Portela
  • “Union for Ceará”:
    political and anti-communist articulation in/by the Ceará press in 1962
    Jucelio Regis da Costa
  • Progressive lay people and the Popular Church in Conceição do Coité in 1970s and 1980s
    Cristian Barreto de Miranda
  • The trajectory of the Diocese of Porto Nacional in building a imagined community
    Rafael Machado Santana
  • About body, time and torpor:
    the production of medical discourse in Fortaleza in the 1920s and 1930s
    Thiago Gomes Sales
  • The aspects of motherhood from the doctor Fernandes Figueira (1920)
    Fernanda Loch
  • “Talking mother to mother, woman to woman”:
    SESP health visitors in the Pará Amazon in times of war
    Edivando da Silva Costa
  • Religious heritage and history teaching:
    popular religious practices in Praça Padre João Maria
    Alessandra Ferreira, Maria da Conceição Guilherme Coelho
  • The enemy in the living room:
    the Assemblies of God and debates around television and a modern Brazil
    Viviane Teixeira Lima Nunes


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Author Biographies

Cláudia Freitas de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Professor of the Department of History and the Postgraduate Program in History - UFC

He has a PhD in History from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Professor at the Department of History at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and Profhistória (UFC). She is a collaborating professor at the Postgraduate Program in Social History (UFC) and coordinator of the GEP: History, Madness and Mental Health (CNPQ).

Ana Rita Fonteles Duarte, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Prof. from the History Department and Coordinator of PPGH - UFC

She has a doctorate in Cultural History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). She is an associate professor in the Department of History at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Currently, she coordinates the Postgraduate Program in History at UFC. She is a member of the Profhistoria (UFC) faculty. She has experience in the areas of History and gender, women's history, gender and dictatorship in Brazil. She coordinates the History and Gender Research and Studies Group (GPEHG / UFC / CNPq).

Ana Sara Cortez Irffi, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Prof. of the Department of History and Deputy Coordinator PPGH - UFC

She has a PhD in Social History from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). She is a professor in the History Department at UFC. She is deputy coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in History (UFC). Coordinator of the Research Laboratory in Economic and Social History - LAPHES. She has experience in the area of History, with an emphasis on Social History, working mainly on the themes: worlds of work, rural world, slavery, History of Brazil, research, history and theory.

Luana Barros de Azevedo, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Master in History from the Postgraduate Program at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

Raquel Figueiredo Barretto

Graduated in Literature (UECE). Master's degree in Public Health (UNIFOR). Professor at the Fanor University Center (UNIFANOR).

Sérgio Medeiros de Almeida

Master's student in Social History at the Federal University of Ceará.

Elane Cristina Rodrigues Gomes

Professor at the School of Application at the Federal University of Pará. PhD in Social History from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC).

Cynthia Corvello, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Graduated in History from the Federal University of Ceará — UFC; Master's student in Social History from the Postgraduate Program in Social History at the Federal University of Ceará — UFC. Scholarship funded by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).

Lívia Suelen Sousa Moraes Meneses

PhD student of the Postgraduate Program in Brazilian History (PPGHB-UFPI).

Túlio Brenno Brito de Sousa

Graduated in Full Degree in History — UEPA, Master's student in Social History of the Amazon. UFPA.

José Cleudon de Oliveira Neto

Graduated in History from the State University of Ceará (2019). He worked as a fellow on the IC/UECE program (2018/2019), developing research on the History of Food and Drink in Ceará and its influences on the State's civilizing process, and also on the IC/UECE program (2017/2018) where he developed research related to History of Diseases, specifically on Tuberculosis, at the State University of Ceará.

Roberto Kennedy Gomes Franco, Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira

Post-doctorate in History of Education from the University of Lisbon/Portugal. PhD in Brazilian Education (UFC). Master in Education Sciences (UFPI). Graduated in History (UFC). Professor at the Federal University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia — UNILAB. Coordinator of the Marxist Interdisciplinary Group-GIM/UNILAB; Member of GEPI (Indigenous Peoples Study Group).

Nágila Maia de Morais Galvão, SEDUC-CE

PhD in history — UFPE, professor at the Basic Education Network of the State of Ceará - SEDUC-CE.

Taynara Mirelle do Nascimento de Araújo

Master's student of the Postgraduate Program in Social History at the Federal University of Ceará — UFC, Fortaleza, CE. Academic scholarship from FUNCAP — Cearense Foundation for Support to Scientific and Technological Development.

Carolina Rodrigues Moreira

Federal University of Ceara. Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Social History — UFC, CAPES scholarship holder.

Jaqueline Calixto dos Santos

Master's student in history, culture and memory research line — PPGH - UFPE.

Ciro Alcântara de Araújo

Master in History from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS).

Camila da Silva Portela

Graduated and Master in History from the Federal University of Maranhão. Master in Social History from the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Maranhão (CAPES Master's Scholarship). Specialist in History and Geography Teaching Methodology from the International University Center (UNINTER). Graduated in History from the Federal University of Maranhão (2011). She develops research in the area of History of Religions addressing Catholicism in the 20th Century, Military Dictatorship in Brazil, Archives and Documentary Records of the Dictatorship and the Relationship between the Catholic Church and Military Dictatorship. Scientific Initiation Scholarship at CNPq (2008-2009) and Scientific Initiation Scholarship at UFMA (2009-2010). She is currently Supervisor of Actions to Combat Torture at the Secretary of Human Rights and Popular Participation of Maranhão and Executive Secretary of the Committee to Combat Torture of Maranhão.

Jucelio Regis da Costa

He holds a degree in History from the State University of Ceará (2010). Master's degree in History from the Federal University of Ceará - UFC (2015). He has worked professionally at the Faculty of Philosophy Dom Aureliano Matos-FAFIDAM, campus of the State University of Ceará-UECE, in the city of Limoeiro do Norte, in the History and Geography Teaching Methodologies sector. He studies the press, civil-military dictatorship and society; History and Memory of the Brazilian Dictatorship.

Cristian Barreto de Miranda

PhD candidate in History from the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Bahia (PPGH-UFBA). CAPES scholarship holder.

Rafael Machado Santana

Graduated in (Bachelor) History from the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) in 2017. Teacher in the basic education network of the State of Tocantins (SEDUC-TO) and master's student in the Postgraduate Program - Professional Master's - in History of Amazon Populations ( PPHispam-UFT).

Thiago Gomes Sales

Master's student in History at the Federal University of Ceará.

Fernanda Loch

Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in History at the State University of Ponta Grossa — PR. Graduated in History from the same institution.

Edivando da Silva Costa

PhD student at the Postgraduate Program in Social History of the Amazon at the Federal University of Pará. Professor at the UFPA School of Application.

Alessandra Ferreira

Master's student of the Professional Master's Degree in History Teaching at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and teacher of Basic Education.

Maria da Conceição Guilherme Coelho

PhD Professor in Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and Associate of the History Department at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

Viviane Teixeira Lima Nunes

He is currently studying a Master's degree in Social History at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), with a CAPES/MEC scholarship. She has a degree in History from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC).

Capa livro História da saúde e das religiões



December 1, 2020