Intellectuals, uses of past and teaching History
history, historical research, teaching historySynopsis
Book with articles presented at the VI International Seminar History and Historiography, in the thematic seminars “Brazilian civil-military dictatorship, behavior and everyday policies”, “Sources, imagination and narratives of the past”, “Military dictatorships in Latin America, democratic transitions and political uses of the past” and “Dictatorship, memory disputes and the role of historians in Brazil”. The texts gathered here bring analyzes about the period of the Dictatorship in Brazil from traditional sources and archives open to the public from the 1990s onwards, as well as the impact of the rise of the extreme right today, a reflection of the period of authoritarianism.
Pioneering in Labor Law:Cesarino Junior and Vargas' labor legislation
Women and gender:the trajectory and validity of a historiographical issue
The influence of Catholic conservatism on production historiography by Lúcio José dos Santos
Historical agency and control images:a reflection on the activism of Maria Brandão dos Reis in the Communist Party of Brazil during the Peace Campaign (1948-1952)
From presentism to actualism:digital and a new historical semantics
Academic memorials as writing history:the trajectory of Maria Efigênia Lage de Resende (1958-1991)
Interpreters and ideologists from Brazil:in search of Brazilian sociological time – the case of Júlio de Mesquita Filho, 1930s
The construction of a historian identity in self-writing Alice Canabrava
Memoricide:The erasure of literature written by women from Ceará in the 19th century
Moving memory:a biographical essay on Veríssimo de Melo (1940-1949)
Erico Veríssimo and inter-American cultural diplomacy
The “world that the Portuguese created” by Gilberto Freyre:notes on the construction of Tropicology (1940)
Ethnic-racial guidelines and their reflections on the teaching of Brazilian History Brazil
Educational practices in teaching History about Jews/Judaism
Education or History? Challenges and demands of the constitution of the field of History Teaching in the state of Pará
Analysis of sources available in digital environments and qualification of historical learning
Curricular Proposals and Public Uses of the History Discipline in Full-Time High Schools in Ceará (2016 – 2020)
Gender relations in the history curriculum:an analysis of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC, 2015-2017)
The historical learning of young Portuguese students from the history videos on YouTube from the perspective of history controversial
It's on the street:art and politics in the streets
Cold War and comic books in history class
Consensual kidnappings in Piauí:resignifications of practice in the 20th and 21st centuries
Making Verses:the cultural diffusion of capoeira through capoeira albums between the 1960s and 2000s
The red risk, the blue dream:printed culture and Brazilian leftists in the newspaper Nação Cariri (1980-1987)
Conceptions between “Indian” and “Caboclo” in artists’ songs Amazonids (1988-1992)
On the riverbank and under the stars:popular festivals and urban space in the press of Pará (1945-1964)
Zeca Diabo in the land of Odorico – permanence and theatrical tradition in Dias Gomes' teledramaturgy
Transvestility and Homoeroticism on Brazilian TV:Jorge Lafond and Patrício Bisso, humor and aesthetics between the 1980s and 1990s
“From caboclo to Indian”:how Brazilian historiography approached indigenous peoples in the Northeast during the 20th century
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