Homeless people in Brazil: From research to reporting experiences


Adílio Moreira de Moraes (ed)
Vanessa Mesquita Ramos (ed)
Berla Moreira de Moraes (ed)


Brazil, People in street situation, Experience report, Social vulnerability


It may not seem like it, but subjecting millions of people to sub-human conditions of existence in plain sight is easier than you might think. Not that some ultra-modern camouflage technology has been invented or a new drug that makes everyone blind to social inequality being managed through water, food or air. The secret of the trick is much simpler, but no less cruel. It is enough for these millions to be left on the streets, outside the formal consumption circuit, for them to stop being seen as human beings and become mere disposable objects of our society. In our current society, it is easier to avoid hungry people asking for food on a sidewalk than an open manhole or a garbage collection point, because while these people are invisible, the structural problems cause a selective revolt and indignant posts on social networks. . After all, it's easier to ignore them than to seek to understand what led them to that situation and try to help them in some way. The manhole and the garbage, just put a little pressure on the authorities, they temporarily cease to be problems. This work not only exposes, but puts a finger on our social wound. These are recent data on the situation of homeless people in Brazil, who are often left to their own devices (or bad luck) by almost all of society (almost all of them because, fortunately, there are still initiatives from people who have decided to stop looking away). They are harsh reports of those who, if it weren't for some specific projects, would not have access to the basics to feel human. These are people who don't have a roof over their heads on rainy nights, don't have a place to take a shower, don't have food for days on end, don't even have access to water to quench their thirst. At the same time that we fail to see these people, we hide our own humanity.


  • Homeless population in Brazil
    Adílio Moreira de Moraes
  • Mapping of the Social Support Networks of the Homeless Population in the beach area
    Jully Emmilly Guedes da Silva, Berla Moreira de Moraes
  • Religious/spiritual attitude of the homeless population living in the beach area - Fish Market in Tambaú - João Pessoa
    Marcia Maria de Oliveira Nobrega, Berla Moreira de Moraes
  • Socio-occupational profile of homeless people who attend non-governmental social projects
    Lissa Marry de Santana Lira, Berla Moreira de Moraes
  • Experience report: Encouraging the social inclusion of the homeless population through the practice of Physical, Sports and Recreational Activities
    Adílio Moreira de Moraes


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Author Biographies

Adílio Moreira de Moraes

PhD in Educational Sciences from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (2019 - Recognition), Master from the Postgraduate Program in Physical Education at the University of Pernambuco UPE/Federal University of Paraíba UFPB (2014 - Recognition). Specialist in Sports Training (UNINTA), Specialization in Higher Education Teaching (FACULDADE KURIOS - FAK), School Management (UNINTA) and Exercise Physiology and Movement Biomechanics (UNINTA). Graduated in Physical Education from Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú - UEVA (2006), in Pedagogy from FACULDADE KURIOS - FAK (2017) and in Administration from Faculdade Excelência - FAEX (2019).

Vanessa Mesquita Ramos

Master in Family Health from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC/Sobral) (2014). Specialist in Public Health from the Higher Institute of Applied Theology (INTA) (2010). Specialist in neonatal and pediatric ICU by the Visconde de Sabóia Family Health Training School - EFSFVS (2010). Graduated in Nursing from the State University Vale do Acaraú (2009).

Berla Moreira de Moraes

Graduated in Occupational Therapy from the University of Fortaleza (1999), with Residency in Occupational Therapy from AACD - São Paulo (2000), Specialist and Resident in Family Health from Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú - Sobral (2007), Specialist in Ergonomics from the University Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE (2009). Master in Medical Education by the Escuela de Salud Publica in Havana - Cuba (2006), revalidated by the Master in Public Health by the State University of Ceará - UECE (2011). Adjunct Professor III, teaches in the area of Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy and Head of the Occupational Therapy Department (2018-2020 Management) at the Federal University of Paraíba. PhD in Linguistics from the Federal University of Paraíba with sandwich at the University of Minho - Portugal (2015). Pro-Dean of Extension at the Federal University of Paraíba (Management 2020 -2024).

Jully Emmilly Guedes da Silva

Occupational Therapy Course - Health Sciences Center - Federal University of Paraíba.

Marcia Maria de Oliveira Nobrega

Occupational Therapy Course - Health Sciences Center - Federal University of Paraíba.

Lissa Marry de Santana Lira

Occupational Therapy Course - Health Sciences Center - Federal University of Paraíba.

Capa Pessoas em situação de rua no Brasil



February 1, 2023