socio-environmental studies: different approaches on Piauí and Maranhão


Raimundo Lenilde de Araújo (ed)
Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)
Armstrong Miranda Evangelista (ed)
Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)
Andréa Lourdes Monteiro Scabello (ed)
Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)


socio-environmental issues, Geography, Environment (Piauí and Maranhão


Volume 7 of the Geography in Debate Series, entitled Socio-environmental Studies: different approaches to Piauí and Maranhão, brings some results of research carried out in the Graduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Piauí (PPGGEO-UFPI) linked to the line "Studies Regional and Geoenvironmental”, contemplating the efforts of teachers and graduate students.

This volume consists of eleven chapters that address various themes about the production of geographic space in Piauí and Maranhão, covering the territories of Teresina, Parnaíba, Caldeirão Grande do Piauí, Caxias and Lagoa do Mulato.

The collective work of PPGGEO – UFPI students and professors is shared, in this publication, with the external community. The research carried out contributes to the knowledge of the Geography of the Northeast, expanding knowledge of Brazilian Geography. We invite you to enjoy this reading.


  • Production of urban space in the context of popular housing in Teresina-PI
    Ângela Oliveira Vieira, Antonio Cardoso Façanha
  • Socio-environmental vulnerability in the municipality of Parnaíba, state of Piauí
    Denia Elice Matias de Oliveira, Emanuel Lindemberg Silva Albuquerque
  • Spatial clippings of the city of Teresina
    considerations on the concept of zone and region
    Fredson Anderson Brito de Castro, Antonio Cardoso Façanha
  • Chinese diaspora and new territorialities
    mobility, networks and commerce of the Chinese in Teresina-PI
    Gerson Dias de Sousa, Raimundo Wilson Pereira dos Santos
  • Land use and land cover in the APP range of Lagoa do Mulato, Piauí
    Géssica Maria Mesquita Monteiro Costa, Iracilde Maria de Moura Fé Lima
  • The protection of geoheritage in conservation units
    the case of the geomorphosites of Caldeirão Grande do Piauí
    Glácia Lopes Araújo, Cláudia Maria Sabóia de Aquino
  • Notes on the society-nature relationship and geography socioenvironmental
    Glécia Maria de Carvalho Sousa, Cláudia Maria Sabóia de Aquino
  • Urban collective transport by bus in Teresina
    from deployment to integration
    José Edson da Silva Barrinha, Raimundo Lenilde de Araújo
  • The daytime temperature in Caxias-MA in the month of July 2020 in transition area
    José Germano Moura Ramos, Carlos Sait Pereira de Andrade
  • Vegetation Index Classification (NDVI) in the urban area of the municipality of Teresina-PI, through the Google Earth Engine® platform
    Marcos Aurélio Macêdo da Silva, Emanuel Lindemberg Silva Albuquerque
  • Facing or facing the river?
    A cutout of the riverside landscape of Teresina, Piauí
    Rayana Patrícia da Costa Cunha, Andréa Lourdes Monteiro Scabello


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Author Biographies

Raimundo Lenilde de Araújo, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

Postdoctoral in Geography Teaching/Environmental Education; PhD in Brazilian Education and Master in Development and Environment (UFC). Specialist in Teaching Geography and Graduated in Geography - Degree (UECE). He is an Effective Professor, Associate Class II, at the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) with professional activity in the Degree course and in the Postgraduate Program in Geography/Masters/UFPI and in the Postgraduate Program in Public Policies/Doctorate/UFPI , study, research, extension, publication, guidance and supervision, continuous training of Teachers in Geography with an emphasis on Human Geography: Urban Geography; urban space and educational institutions; history of geographical thought; curricular internship for teaching Geography; history of the discipline Geography; Geography teaching methodologies; curriculum, evaluation and teaching of Geography and environmental education, as well as participation in examining boards for undergraduate, graduate and public tenders. He has experience in the Research Ethics Committee - CEP. It participates in national and international events, academic articulations with Brazilian institutes and universities, such as UFG, UFC, UnB, UFPB, UFRN, UFSC, UVA, UFRR, IFPI, and international ones such as the University of Lisbon and University of Coimbra, in Portugal and the University of Valencia, Spain. He is an Effective Member of the World Council, Ambassador in Brazil and Coordinator, in Piauí, of the Project Nós Propomos!. In management, he has been General Coordinator of the UFPI Professions Fair since July / 2013. He was coordinator of the Undergraduate Degree in Geography at UFPI, 04/2012 and 04/2016, Sub-coordinator of the Graduate Program in Geography/PPGGEO/UFPI, 04/2017 and 04/2019 and Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Geography /PPGGEO/UFPI, 04/2019 to 04/2021. In Research, he is leader of the Research Group on Geography, Teaching and Curriculum / GEODOC / UFPI / CNPq and leader of the Study Group on Urbanization, Politics and Citizenship / GEURBPOCI / UFPI / CNPq. He participates in the Center for Teaching and Research in Geographic Education-NEPEG, Geography / UFG and in the Research Group on Teaching, Learning and Teacher Training in Geography / GEAF / UnB. He is an effective member of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science-SBPC and is a member of the North and Northeast Geography Researchers Network-RENNEGEO. Founder and current coordinator of the Laboratory for Teacher Training and Teaching of Geography - LAFODEG, Geography/UFPI. Institutional and Higher Geography Courses Evaluator at SINAES BASis/MEC. He also gives motivational speeches on professions and subjects related to Geography.

Armstrong Miranda Evangelista, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (1993), Specialization in Geography from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Master in Education from the Federal University of Piauí (2000), Doctorate in Education from the Federal University of Ceará (2007) and Post-Doctorate in Geography, line Teaching of Geography, by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of the University of Lisbon (2018-2019). He is currently Associate Professor III at the Federal University of Piauí. He has experience in the field of Geography. He is a professor at the Graduate Program in Geography at UFPI, working mainly on the following topics: teaching geography, school geography, education and geography curriculum. He participates in the Center for Research and Extension in Teaching Geography-NUPEG, from its foundation to the present day, being the current Coordinator. He also coordinates the GEOEDUC research group at CNPQ.

Andréa Lourdes Monteiro Scabello, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

Associate Professor III of the Geography Course at the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), Sub-coordinator of the Graduate Program - PPGGEO-UFP ((2019-2020), Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Educator Training - LIFE/CCHL (2016-2018 ), Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Anthropology and Archeology - PPGAArq/UFPI (2012-2013), Professor of the Permanent Staff of the Graduate Program in Anthropology - PPGAnt/UFPI (2010 to March 2020), Head of Course of the Bachelor's Degree in Archeology and Conservation of Rock Art UFPI (2009-2011), Professor of the Permanent Staff of the Graduate Program in Geography - PPGGEO/UFPI (2011 to 2021), Collaborating Professor of the PPGGEO-UFPI (201 to the present) Professor of the Licentiate Course in Geography of the National Basic Education Teacher Training Program - PARFOR (2013/2014), PhD in Sciences (concentration area of Physical Geography / USP, 2004), Master in Sciences (concentration area in Archeology / USP, 1997), Specialization in Social Sciences (Faculty of Sociology and Politics of São Paulo, 1996), Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy (UNINOVE, 2006) Bachelor's Degree in Geography (USP, 1989), Licentiate in Geography (Faculty of Education/USP, 1991 ), Coordinator of the Degree in History and Geography (Faculdades Integradas Teresa Martin, 2006-2008). Reviewer at Editora Saraiva (2001-2004). MEC/PNUD advisor (2000-2001). Geography teacher in high school and elementary school in private schools in São Paulo (1992-2008). She has experience in the field of Geographic Education and Archeology with an interest in the themes: heritage education and environmental education, teaching Geography, inclusive geographic education, affective cartography, cultural heritage.

Ângela Oliveira Vieira, Centro de Educação Aberta e a Distância CEAD/UFPI

Master in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI/2017), in the research line Regional and Geoenvironmental Studies. Graduated in Geography from the same institution (UFPI/2014). She participated in the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation-PIBID / UFPI (2012-2014). She was a substitute teacher at the IFMA-Campus Barreirinhas in Vocational Technical High School and in the National Program for the Integration of Professional Education with Basic Education in the Modality of Youth and Adult Education (Proeja); Professor (Distance Tutor) of the Geography Course by the Open and Distance Education Center CEAD/UFPI from 2017 to 2020; and the Geography Course by the Núcleo de Tecnologias para Educação/ UEMAnet from 2020 to 2022. Member of the Research Group: “Group of Regional and Urban Studies (GERUR)” linked to CNPq/UFPI, in the line of research: Urban space , Planning and management. She develops research in Geography with an emphasis on Urban Geography; City Study and Geography Teaching. She is currently a professor (Distance Tutor) of the Geography Course at the Center for Open and Distance Education CEAD / UFPI; Teaching Program Teacher - UEMA; and Basic Education Teacher in the public school system.

Antonio Cardoso Façanha, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

He is a Professor-Researcher of the Geography Course at UFPI since 1991. He holds a degree in Full Degree in Geography (UECE/1988), Specialization in the Northeast: regional and environmental issues (UFC/1990), Specialization in Remote Sensing (UNESP/1991), Master in Geography (UFPE/1998) and PhD in Geography (UFPE/2009). He is currently Associate Professor IV at the Federal University of Piauí, having developed studies in the area of Geography, with emphasis on Urban Geography, Regional Geography, Geography of Piauí and Geography Teaching. He participates as leader of the Research Group entitled «Regional and Urban Studies Group [GERUR], linked to CNPq / UFPI and belongs to the Nucleus for Research and Extension in Geography Teaching [NUPEG]. He was Coordinator of the Master in Geography at UFPI in the following periods: 2011/2013 and 2017/2019. Currently he is Permanent Professor of the Master in Geography. He was Professor of the Master in Development and Environment [PRODEMA] at UFPI [2015/2021]. He was Deputy Coordinator of the Specialization Course (lato sensu) in Urban Planning and Social and Environmental Management of Cities at UFPI, which started in 2019.

Denia Elice Matias de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

Master in Geography by the Graduate Program in Geography (PPGGEO/UFPI), in the line of research Regional and Geoenvironmental Studies by the Federal University of Piauí (Biennium 2019/2021). Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2018). Member and researcher of the Study Group on Geotechnology: Research and Teaching (GPE/UFPI). She is interested in the thematic areas Geography and Environment, Society and its cultures, Social and Environmental Vulnerabilities.

Emanuel Lindemberg Silva Albuquerque, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

Adjunct Professor III of the Geography Course (CGEO/CCHL). Sub-coordinator of the Graduate Program in Geography (PPGGEO/CCHL) at the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). Research Productivity Scholarship at UFPI. PhD in Geography by the Graduate Program in Geography (ProPGeo) at the State University of Ceará (UECE). Master in Geography. Specialist in Geoprocessing and Graduated in Geography by UECE. Leader of the Research Group registered with CNPq entitled: Study Group in Geotechnology: Research and Teaching (UFPI). Coordinator of the Laboratory of Geography and Environmental Studies - Geoenvironment/UFPI.

Fredson Anderson Brito de Castro, Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão (IFMA)

Master's degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2016). has a specialization in Geography teaching methodology from the Federal University of Piauí (2008). Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2001). Bachelor's Degree in Law from the Federal University of Piauí (2010). taught at the State University of Piauí in the National Plan for Basic Education Teacher Training - PARFOR (2011-2015). He is the author of the textbook: spatial organization of Teresina: city between rivers (2022). He worked as a teacher trainer at the Odilon Nunes Teacher Training Center of the Municipality of Teresina (2010-2013). He was a teacher at the Municipal and State Education Network in Teresina (2002-2017). He is a professor at the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Maranhão (IFMA). He is part of the multidisciplinary research group in education, philosophy and humanities (2020). He is part of the Nucleus of Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Studies (NEABI) at the IFMA Coelho Neto campus (2020). Working mainly on the following topics: Geography - continuing education - teaching - regional and urban studies - geoprocessing.

Gerson Dias de Sousa

Master in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI (2016-2018). Graduated in full degree in Geography from the State University of Piauí - UESPI (2011-2014). He develops research related to human Geography, with an emphasis on Themes: Territory, migration and production of space

Raimundo Wilson Pereira dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG / Institute of Geosciences - IGC (2013). Master in Development and Environment from the Federal University of Piauí (2005). Specialist in Environmental Sciences from UFPI (2001). Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (2000). Technician in Administration (1984) and Accounting (1986) by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí. Professor at the Federal University of Piauí in the Geography course. Permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Geography at UFPI – PPGGEO. Coordinator of the Degree in Geography at a Distance (CEAD/UFPI). Has experience in education and research, working mainly on the following topics: Agrarian Geography, Sustainable Rural Territorial Development, Family and Peasant Agriculture, Environment, Environmental Education and Education of/in the Countryside

Géssica Maria Mesquita Monteiro Costa

Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the State University of Piauí (2010-2013) - UESPI/Campus Poeta Torquato Neto. Member (student) of the Nucleus of Studies in Physical Geography at UESPI (NEGEO/UESPI) and of the research group (student) Geomorphology, Environmental Analysis and Education at UFPI (GAAE/UFPI). Currently a private teacher in Teresina and a Master's student in Geography at the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI in the line of research Regional and Geoenvironmental Studies. She has experience in Geography, with emphasis on the following areas: Hydrography, Geoenvironmental Analysis and Geographic Education.

Iracilde Maria de Moura Fé Lima, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Ceará. Master in Geography from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Perpetual member of the Academy of Sciences of Piauí (chair 53). Perpetual member of the Historical-Geographical Institute of Piauí. Associate Professor I, working in the Master's courses in Geography at the Federal University of Piauí. He guides Specialization and Master's students and supervises post-doctoral professors. He coordinates research and extension projects in environmental analysis and education. He has published books about Piauí and Teresina, book chapters and scientific articles. Works in the area of Geosciences, with emphasis on Physical Geography, specifically in the areas of Geomorphology, Hydrography, Environment and Education. Among the prizes and honorary titles received, the following stand out: Award for the textbook Piauí: Tempo e Espaço, Ed. FTD (PNLD-Northeast/MEC, 1998); Appoints the Geographical Studies Room (Instituto Dom Barreto-Teresina, from 2001); Medal of Honor to Merit Councilor José Antônio Saraiva (Teresina City Hall, 2002); Honor to Merit for the contribution to Piauí Culture (Academia Piauiense de Letras, 2007); Homage at the XVI Brazilian Symposium on Applied Physical Geography (2015). Tribute book “Iracilde and Geographical Studies: 50 years of history”.

Glácia Lopes Araújo, Seduc-PI

He holds a degree in Geography from the State University of Piauí (2006), a degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Piauí (2009), a specialization in environmental management from Faculdades Integradas de Jacarepaguá (2009) and a master's degree in Geography from the Federal University do Piauí (2020). She is currently a Professor at the State Department of Education and Culture. Working mainly on the following topics: Geodiversity, Evaluation, Geological Heritage, Geomorphological Heritage, Caldeirão Grande do Piauí and Francisco Macedo.

Cláudia Maria Sabóia de Aquino, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

He holds a degree in Full Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (1999), a master's degree in Development and Environment from the Federal University of Ceará (2002) and a doctorate in Geography from the Federal University of Sergipe (2010). She is currently Associate Professor II at the Federal University of Piauí, where she works in undergraduate and graduate research and teaching (UFPI Graduate Program in Geography), in disciplines and topics related to Physical Geography. She is leader of the Research Group on Geodiversity, Geomorphological Heritage and Geoconservation (GEOCON). She coordinates together with professor Dr. Gustavo Souza Valladares, from the Physical Geography Research Group. She has experience in the area of Physical Geography, with an emphasis on Environmental Analysis. She is interested in the themes: Teaching in Physical Geography, Geodiversity, Geoheritage, Watershed, Desertification, environmental issues, among others.

Glécia Maria de Carvalho Sousa, Seduc-PI

Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the State University of Piauí (1999 - 2002) - UESPI /Picos Campus. Master in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí - UFPI (2019-2021) in the research line Regional and Geoenvironmental Studies. She is currently a professor at the State Department of Education and Culture of Piauí-SEDUC and at the Municipal Department of Education-SME of Santo Antônio de Lisboa / PI. Acting mainly on issues related to analysis of watersheds.

José Edson da Silva Barrinha, SEEDUC-MA

Graduated in Full Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), Specialization and Master's Degree from the Graduate Program in Geography at UFPI/PPGGEO. He was a Professor of the effective staff of the State Secretariat of Education of Maranhão-SEEDUC and of SEMEC-Municipal Secretariat of Education of Teresina. He has teaching experience as a Basic Education Teacher (public and private) and Higher Education, where he served as a Research Professor and Supervisor in the National Program for the Training of Basic Education Teachers-PARFOR / UESPI. He served as Professor Trainer of Geography at the Professor Odilon Nunes Training Center, of the Municipal Education Network of Teresina-SEMEC. He develops studies in the area of Urban Geography. He is currently an EBTT Professor at the Federal Institute of Maranhão (IFMA), on the Pedreiras Campus.

José Germano Moura Ramos

Master in Geography, 2021, from the Federal University of Piauí, UFPI, under the guidance of Prof. doctor Carlos Sait Pereira de Andrade, Regional and Geoenvironmental Studies research line. Graduated in Public Administration from the State University of Maranhão, CESC/UEMA and the Open University of Brazil, UAB (2014). Specialization in Geography Teaching Methodology via State University of Maranhão, CESC/UEMA (2006). Degree in Geography from the State University of Maranhão, CESC/UEMA (1999). He has experience in elementary education in Geography, teaching physical Geography.

Carlos Sait Pereira de Andrade, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)

He holds a PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2009), a Master's in Geography from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2000), a degree in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí (1989). He has been professor of Geography at the Federal University of Piauí since 1992. Effective Member of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Piauiense. He has experience in the area of Geography, with emphasis on Climatology and Urban Climate, acting on the following subjects: geographic climatology, urban climate and physical geography teaching

Marcos Aurélio Macêdo da Silva

Graduated in Surveying Engineering from the Federal University of Piauí. Specialist in Occupational Safety Engineering from Cruzeiro do Sul University. Master in Geography from the Federal University of Piauí. He has experience in the area of Civil Construction, with emphasis on pavements and supervision of large works.

Rayana Patrícia da Costa Cunha

Bachelor in Architecture and Urbanism from the Institute of Legal and Social Sciences Professor Camillo Filho (ICF), completed in 2017 and sandwich degree in Architecture from the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU-EUAs) in the years 2013 and 2014 through the exchange program from CAPES Sciences without Borders. He became a Master in Geography by the graduate program in Geography (PPGGEO) at the Federal University of Piauí in the line of research Regional and Geoenvironmental Studies with the title of the dissertation: Facing or facing the river? a clipping of Teresina's riverside landscape. He has experience in the area of Architecture and Urbanism, working mainly on the following themes: cities, cultural landscape, appropriation and place of affection, perception and image of urban space, urban meanings. She is trained in scenography and atmosphere creation projects at PUC / Rio where she performed creation activities based on the experience of humans in spaces considering color, light and sound. She attends classes on the course of the creation process of Leda Catunda and Siron Franco. She participated in the extension activity UFPI Museu Esperança and Significant Learning with the use of Non-Conventional Didactic Resources in the teaching of Geography. She is certified in Qgis. She has experience in the classroom from her internship to teaching in the subject Cartography in Geography. She works in the professional market in the elaboration of architecture, interior design and landscaping projects as an architect and managing partner of Aúra Arqstúdio-CAU A158047-7. She is the first secretary at the Association of Architects, Urban Planners and Engineering and Culture Professionals of Piauí-FOGOPAGÔ, where she coordinates the elaboration and execution of cultural projects aimed at the insertion of architectural themes in society at regional, national and international levels. She is the screenwriter and executive producer of the short documentary As Layers of Invisible Waters, which deals with the influence of the Parnaíba and Poty rivers on the urban development of Teresina from a new perspective. She has work published at the University Beira Interior-Portugal

Capa do livro Estudos socioambientais: diferentes abordagens sobre o Piauí e o Maranhão



May 1, 2023