Aggressiveness in detainees and soccer practice: establishing relations


Adílio Moreira de Moraes


1. Football. 2. Detainees. 3. Sport- Social relationships.


The realization of this research permeated several challenges, from the choice of theme, through the scarcity of literature that dealt with the relationship between aggressiveness in detainees and soccer practice, to the performance of data collection and analysis.

According to the results of the present investigation, both aggressiveness in general and each of its investigated dimensions (instrumental, emotional and cognitive) have a lower average level in the group of detainees who play soccer, when compared to the group of detainees who do not. soccer practitioners. With this research, we hope to contribute to the advancement of educational sciences, while recognizing the mobility that is imposed on the results obtained in an investigative work.


  • Aggressiveness in detainees and soccer practice
    establishing relations

Author Biography

Adílio Moreira de Moraes

PhD in Educational Sciences from the Federal University
do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (2019 - Recognition), Master by
Graduate Program in Physical Education at the University of Pernambuco UPE/Federal University of Paraíba
UFPB (2014 - Recognition). Training Specialist
Sports (UNINTA), Specialization in Higher Education Teaching (FACULDADE KURIOS - FAK), School Management
(UNINTA) and Exercise Physiology and Movement Biomechanics (UNINTA). Graduated in Physical Education from the State University Vale do Acaraú - UEVA (2006), in Pedagogy
by FACULDADE KURIOS - FAK (2017) and in Administration
by Faculdade Excelência - FAEX (2019).

Capa Aggressiveness in detainees and soccer practice: establishing relationships



February 1, 2023