The concept of Bildung in Hegel


Marcos Fábio Alexandre Nicolau
Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú - UVA


1. Bildung. 2. Hegel. 3. Philosophy. 4. Aesthetics.


“The study aims to present the training path through which the individual in training becomes aware of himself when overcoming the immediate. In Hegel, the immediate, indeterminate subjectivity, mere individuality without relation, must be led to the ethical, social and political reality, that is, to the world of culture, proper to educated men, the citizens. Such determination is manifest in the idea of the State (Staat), a consequence of what Hegel called the spirit of a people (Volksgeist). This discussion takes place at the time of the Hegelian philosophy that is called objective spirit, being developed mainly in his philosophy of law and in his philosophy of history, in which the ideals of his concept of Bildung are historicized, that is, apprehended from the human deeds in history. Law and history are the vehicles for the realization of Bildung, just as Bildung is the condition for men to establish their rights and produce their history.”


  • The concept of Bildung in Hegel


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Author Biography

Marcos Fábio Alexandre Nicolau, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú - UVA

Graduated in Philosophy from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), during which he was a CNPq Scientific Initiation Scholar (2004-2006). Master in Philosophy by the Graduate Program in Philosophy at ICA/UFC, with CAPES Scholarship [2006-2008], researched on the question of being in Hegel's Science of Logic. PhD in Education from the Graduate Program in Education at FACED/UFC, with a FUNCAP Scholarship [2009-2013], researched the concept of Bildung (Cultural Formation) in Hegelian philosophy and its educational implications. He is currently an Adjunct Professor of the Philosophy Course at the State University Vale do Acaraú-UVA, in addition to being a Collaborating Professor in the Professional Master's Degree in Philosophy UFC / UFPR and in the Professional Master's Degree in Family Health UVA / Fiocruz. He coordinates the Laboratory of Hegelian Studies – LEH/ UVA-CNPq and is a member of the WG's “Hegel” and “Ética e Cidadania”, linked to the National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy - ANPOF, and of the Brazilian Association of Philosophy of Religion - ABFR. He is a Productivity Fellow of the BPI / FUNCAP Program (2016-2018 / 2018-2020). He is a researcher in Modern Metaphysics (Leibniz), German Idealism (Hegel), Teaching Philosophy and Philosophy in Health.

Cover The Concept of Bildung in Hegel



June 1, 2019