The Camocinense Parliament: Historical facts 1879-2019


Carlos Augusto Pereira dos Santos
Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA)


Camocim, Parliament, Political, History


The history of Municipal Councils in Brazil is intertwined with the country's own history, even when we were just a Portuguese colonial territory. In fact, the origin of this story goes back to Portuguese municipal councils that existed since the medieval period. In this sense, when in Colonial Brazil the town of São Vicente was elevated to the status of a town and its City Council was formed, it already had in its midst the Portuguese administrative similarity, established by royal act, which brought into force all the norms valid in the Empire Portuguese, based on the famous Manueline Ordinances (until 1603) and Philippine Ordinances, until the advent of Independence in 1822.
In this way, the Municipal Chambers in Brazil concentrated municipal administration in its executive, legislative and judicial powers, having in its organization a similarity with its counterparts in Portugal with regard to the above-mentioned attributions.


  • Word from the President
  • Preface
  • Presentation
  • Documents from the Camocim City Council – century XIX-XX
  • Remarkable facts about the Camocinense legislature
  • Minutes of inaugurations of the mayors and mayors of Camocim
  • Honorary citizens of Camocim


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Author Biography

Carlos Augusto Pereira dos Santos, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA)

Carlos Augusto Pereira dos Santos. Historian. Effective Professor of the History Course at Vale do Acaraú State University - UVA, since 1994. Author of several works on the history of Camocim, such as "Red City: communist militancy in work spaces (UFC/2007); "Entre o Porto and the Station: daily life and culture of urban workers in Camocim (INESP/2014). Through Sertão Cult published: "On the trails of the backlands: writings on culture and politics in the interior of Ceará – volume 3" (2016); "Our people, our history: Republican Ceará" (2019); "Pinto Martins: a flight in the memory and history of the Camocinense aviator. (2019); "The Land and Sea: historical and sentimental itineraries of Camocim in the work of Carlos Cardeal". (2019). He is also the author of the textbook "Historiando Camocim" (Edições UVA/2017), adopted in the public municipal education network. About the Camocim City Council, published: "A Casa do Povo. History of the Camocinense Legislature. (Sobral Gráfica/ 2008). He is a member of the group "Outra História", from the municipality of Ipu-CE and the Coletivo de Historiadores de Camocim, founded on August 19, 2020.

Capa O Parlamento Camocinense



November 1, 2020