The cachaça capital of Ceará: Viçosa do Ceará


Esthefane Carvalho
Luis Alberto Campos


Cachaça, Serra da Ibiapaba, Viçosa do Ceará, Cultural wealth, Economy


The artisanal production of cachaça is a cultural heritage of the city of Viçosa do Ceará. For centuries, the way of making this typically Brazilian drink has been passed down from generation to generation and today it drives the region's economy, both through trade carried out by various local brands and through tourism, stimulated by the circuit of events and guided tours. This small book shows us a little of this tradition and invites us to discover the riches of this beautiful mountain city.

Author Biographies

Esthefane Carvalho

Arthur's mother, undergraduate in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, reader, writer, researcher in regional agriculture and entrepreneur.

Luis Alberto Campos

Nutritionist from the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), postgraduate in management of food and nutrition units, researcher in regional gastronomy and oenology.

Capa Capital cearense da cachaça



July 1, 2024