A universe called capoeira: charms of an art


Gleicivânia Eleutério de Oliveira
Prefeitura Municipal de Sobral
Janaina Sales


Art, Capoeira, Children's literature


Capoeira is, yes, a fight. But a fight for equality, not for the recognition of a cultural manifestation of our people, as it exists independently of this and does not need anyone's approval. Just like the vast majority of our people, capoeira has historically fought for its right to exist. In this small and beautiful book, three artists of words, illustrations, colors and capoeira present in a playful way for children the universe of ginga, berimbaus, atabaque, pandeiro and how the practice of this very Brazilian sport awakens affections , friendship, educates and promotes freedom and self-awareness.


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Author Biographies

Gleicivânia Eleutério de Oliveira, Prefeitura Municipal de Sobral

I, Gleicivânia Eleutério de Oliveira, also known as Teka or Tekinha, am a capoeira apprentice and psychologist, born in Sobral, Ceará.My first contact with capoeira occurred during my childhood, in the Capoeira na Escola project, at the Ivonir Aguiar Dias School, with Carlos Jones (Formando Tio Tedd). My academic background is deeply linked to public schools, including work as an educational services assistant and project coordinator.The book “Um Universo Chamado Capoeira: Encantos de uma Arte” is a dedication to all children and young people in Brazil, and to women capoeiristas, especially those who share a love for the art of teaching, for the swing, for the chants and charms of learning . Throughout this work, I invite you, dear reader, to explore the different possibilities and potential that the art of capoeira offers in the lives of our children and young people. For this feat, I counted on some partners, such as Professor Rafael Dantas, who I had the honor of meeting during my time at ETI Edgar Linhares and who soon agreed to carry out the spelling correction of our booklet.Janaina Sales, also a teacher and capoeirista, is the creator of this project, and the dearest Neguivan, our illustrator, narrates between colors and mandingas the protagonism of our characters. I hope that, by diving into this work, you can understand and appreciate the richness that capoeira can add to the development of our children and young people, providing not only knowledge, but also values, artistic expression and a significant bond between masters and students. To all of you, my gratitude!Long live capoeira, the roda and the charms!

Janaina Sales, Seduc-CE

My name is Janaina Sales, I'm 29 years old and I live in Sobral-CE. I consider myself a cis, indigenous and feminist woman. I have a degree in Biological Sciences from Vale Do Acaraú State University (UVA). I started practicing capoeira in 2019 at the invitation of Gleicivânia Eleutério (currently a capoeira instructor) popularly known as Teka. In capoeira, I created the Coletivo Mulheres de Luanda together with other women from the Escola Capoeira Pé No Chão, of which I am part. In this cultural field, I have been producing events and projects focused on the universe of capoeira. I emphasize that it was an honor to participate in the production of this book and to have been the inspiration for the character Tia Aidê, wishing you the significant change that art and culture can bring about in each person's life, just as it did in mine.

Um universo chamado capoeira



June 1, 2024