10 Years of the Music Course - UFC Degree, Sobral campus: actions, trajectories and perspectives


João Emanoel Ancelmo Benvenuto (ed)
Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral
Ubeneí Sousa de Farias (ed)
Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC Sobral


Music , Art , UFC Music Course , Management , Teaching , Research , Extension


This book demarcates, in a symbolic and commemorative way, the commitment and dedication of all the agents involved who contributed to the process of implementation and gradual constitution of the Music course - Degree at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral, during the period between 2011 and 2020.
The idea was to provide a panoramic reflection on the actions developed by the UFC/Sobral Music course throughout these first ten years of existence, using the pillars of teaching, research and extension as an analysis parameter, with the aim of evaluating the impacts of the institution for the development of Music and Musical Education at a local, regional and even international level.
The writings of this work are the result of a collective, shared and collaborative effort that aim to record a historical outline of the sound trajectories followed so far, representative of “these past ten years, present lived between dream and sound”, as the singer from Sobral already said. Belchior. Enjoy reading!


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Author Biographies

João Emanoel Ancelmo Benvenuto, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral

He has a degree in Music Education from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Campus Fortaleza. Master and Doctor in Education from the Postgraduate Program in Brazilian Education at UFC. Since 2013, he has worked as an effective professor of the Music-Licenciatura Course at UFC / Sobral, focusing on the initial and continuing training of Music teachers. He was coordinator of Pibid (2014-2018 / 2022-current) and the Pedagogical Residency (2018-2022) of the UFC / Sobral Music Course. In extension, he is in charge of coordinating the projects: a) “Music at School-Eixo de Formação” (2018-current); b) Junior Company “SoMuS”, from the UFC/Sobral Music Course (2021-current) and; c) Inclusive Music Education (2024). In the field of research, he has been a member of the Pesquisamus Group since 2013 and created, in 2018, the Laboratory for Research and Practices in Musical Education (LaPPEM). He is a professor at the Postgraduate Program for Professional Masters in Arts (ProfArtes) at UFC (2018-Current). He was state representative of Ceará at the Brazilian Association of Musical Education (2017-2019) and served as Northeast Regional Director in the 2019-2021 administration.

Ubeneí Sousa de Farias, Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC Sobral

Graduated in Mathematics from the Vale do Acaraú State University (2009) and in Economic Sciences from the Federal University of Ceará (2014). He has experience in the area of ​​Applied Statistics and Economics, with an emphasis on Macroeconomics, working on the following topics: Growth and Economic Development. He is a member of the Research Group on Education, Arts and Music (PesquisaMus) and the Laboratory for Research and Practices in Music Education (LaPPEM). He currently holds the position of Assistant in Administration, assigned to the Music course at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC).

Adeline Annelyse Marie Stervinou, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral

Graduated in Music (Music Education and Musicology area, 2004), Master's degree in Music (Modern and Contemporary Studies area - Musical Creation, 2006), PhD in Music (Musicology area, 2011), all from the University of Toulouse II, Le Mirail in France , and post-doctorate at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), under the supervision of Cristina Tourinho (2012). Adjunct professor at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) Campus Sobral, working on the Music-Licenciatura Course and as a permanent professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Arts Teaching. He is leader of the Cognition and Music Laboratory and deputy leader of the Musical Education Research Center (PESQUISAMUS), where he develops research on cognitive functions applied to music learning, collective teaching of musical instruments and on the transformative musical engagement of young people . She was a visiting professor/researcher at the International Brain, Music and Sound Research Laboratory (BRAMS) in the Psychology department of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the University of Montreal (Canada), where she worked in collaboration with Professor Isabelle Peretz. CNPq Research Productivity Fellow, she has funding through notice 01/2022 “WOMEN IN SCIENCE-Support for research projects coordinated by women”, from the Research Support Foundation (FUNCAP) in Ceará. Conductor of the UFC Sobral Symphony Orchestra, coordinating several artistic culture projects, such as the EUROCHESTRIES International Youth Orchestra Festivals. Holder of several awards from the French Conservatories of Rodez and Toulouse, including three first prizes in flute, chamber music and musical perception, she is frequently invited to act as an instrumentalist teacher and conductor at national and international music festivals.

Agna Kelly Uchôa Fernandes

Graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and is also a graduate student in Music - Degree from UFC, Campus Sobral. She participated in extension, teaching and research projects during her Music course, such as the “Tuna Universitária” extension, which resulted in the presentation of the show “Ópera Relativa” (2022-2023); the Training Axis extension of the “Music at School” Project (2023); the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBID) (2023-2024). She is currently an ICT FUNCAP Scientific Initiation Fellow in the project “10 years of the UFC Music-Licenciatura Course, Campus Sobral: actions, trajectories and perspectives” (2024-current). She is also a 7-string guitarist in the “Grupo de Choro da UFC” and in the “Vocal UFC” extension, as well as a guitarist in other musical projects in the city of Sobral.

Amanda Kelly Rocha Amancio

Student of Music - Degree from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). She actively participated in extension projects and research actions in the Music course at UFC, Campus Sobral, acting as a member of the Training Axis of the Music at School Project (2021-2023); scholarship holder in the Reception and Permanence Incentive Program (2022); participated in the project “Trajectories and Actions of the UFC/Sobral Music Course” (TAMus) in 2022; Project Director of the Júnior Company SoMuS, of the Music-Degree Course at UFC/Sobral (2023-Current). She is currently a Music Education teacher at Colégio Coração de Jesus; keyboard teacher and vocal technician at Espaço de Música Ivana Sá e; also, Children's Musicalization at the Sobral Music School Maestro José Wilson Brasil.

Antonio Jairo da Costa Leitão

He began his musical studies in 1991 through the Maestro Lázaro Freire Music Band, in the city of Ipu-CE. He has a degree in Music from the Federal University of Ceará, Campus Sobral (2021). He currently works as assistant conductor in the Maestro Lázaro Freire Music Band in the city of Ipu-CE and also as main conductor in the João Rodrigues Magalhães Music Band in Hidrolândia-CE.

Beatriz Sousa de Oliveira

Graduated in Music from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral (2018). She is studying a specialization in Music Education at the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN). She worked as a temporary Art teacher at the State Education Network of Ceará and the Municipal Education Network of Miraíma-CE, in the years 2022 and 2023.

Carla Viana de Carvalho

She has a degree in Music-Licenciatura from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral (2018), and is pursuing a postgraduate degree in Music Education from the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA). Currently, she works as a temporary Music/Music teacher at an Early Childhood Education school in the public school system in the municipality of Sobral.

Cleber Santana de Oliveira Silva, Faculdade Luciano Feijão

Master in City Sciences from UNIFOR, Specialization in Occupational Safety Engineering from UNINTA, Graduated in Civil Engineering, Full Degree in Pedagogical Training and Civil Construction Technology (Buildings), all from Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú – UVA. University Professor at UVA and Faculdade Luciano Feijão, academic in Music-Degree at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral, guitarist; works as a volunteer in the Reception and Permanence Incentive program (2023-Current); participates in the UFC University Extension project, entitled “Cultural production center” and in the project “Music and affections: teaching practice in early childhood education”. He is one of the founders of Platibanda, a band that plays pop rock.

Eveline Andrade Ferreira Siqueira, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral

Graduated in Pedagogy (2000), with a specialization in School Management from the State University of Ceará (UECE), master's degree in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (2004) and PhD in Education from the Postgraduate Program in Education at UECE (2017 ). Since 2013, she has been an effective professor of the Music course - Degree at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral, in the study sector of “Education: Legislation, Theory and Pedagogical Practice”, in addition to developing extension projects and research activities related to teacher training.

Francisca Alisandra Rodrigues de Sousa dos Santos

She is an academic in Music-Degree at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral. She is a Scientific Initiation Fellow (2020-Current), funded by PIBIC UFC/CNPq, with a thematic focus on “Musical Practices in the School Curriculum of the Municipality of Sobral”, being nominated for the 20th Highlight Award in Scientific and Technological Initiation, 2022 edition . He was a member of the research project “Trajectories and Actions of the UFC/Sobral Music Course” (2020-2022). She is the Administrative-Financial Director of Empresa Júnior SoMuS, of the Music-Degree Course at UFC / Sobral (2023-Current). She is a member of the Laboratory for Research and Practices in Music Education (2020-Current). She has worked since 2024 as a temporary Music/Music teacher at the Sobral municipal network.

Israel Victor Lopes da Silva, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral

PhD student in Education Sciences at the University of Toulouse 2 - Jean Jaurès, under the guidance of professors Dr. Odile Tripier-Mondancin and Dr. Marco Antonio Toledo Nascimento, has a master's degree in Music from UFRN (2015) in performance (violin), with a specialization in interpretive practices of the 20th and 21st centuries, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Rucker Bezerra. Bachelor of Music - Violin instrument, also from UFRN (2013). He was part of orchestras such as OSPB, OSRN, OSUFRN and Orquestra Jovem de Pernambuco, having performed on stages throughout South America and Europe, mainly as a chamber musician and promoting Brazilian concert music. He is currently an effective professor of Violin/Viola at the Federal University of Ceará-Campus Sobral, teaching the subjects of Fried Strings, Chamber Music and History of Music. He is part of the PESQUISAMUS Music Education Research Center (UFC / CNPq), working in the line “Training and Performance of Music Teachers in Contemporary Times”.

João Guilherme Oliveira Alves

Graduated in Music from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral, he worked as a scholarship holder and/or volunteer in the projects: Laboratory for Research and Practices in Musical Education (LAPPEM), Reception and Permanence Incentive Program (PAIP), in the Company Junior in the Music course at UFC Campus Sobral and in the Cantarolando choral practice extension project, in addition to being, for two years, a member of the UFC Campus Sobral Symphony Orchestra (OSUFC-Sobral), as a trumpeter. He is involved in cultural collectives and has work focused on the development of orchestral composition. He is a substitute Art teacher at the Ceará state education network and also works as a tutor on a music degree course at UNIASSELVI University.

Marcelo Mateus de Oliveira

He is a guitarist, professor of the Music Degree Course at the Federal University of Ceará, Campus Sobral. Graduated in Music, with a master's degree and doctorate in Education from the Federal University of Ceará, he works in undergraduate classes related to guitar, mandolin and cavaquinho, as well as working in university extension projects, such as the UFC Choro Group, Clube do Guitar and the Music at School Project.

Marco Antonio Toledo Nascimento, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral

Graduated in Artistic Education - Full Degree - Music (2003), with a master's degree in Music - Music and Education (2007), both from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. He completed his PhD in Music (Cotutela de Tese) in 2011 in the areas of Music Education from the Federal University of Bahia and Musicology from the University of Toulouse II, Le Mirail, France. He completed a Post-Doctoral internship in Musicology at Paris-Sorbonne University (2013-2014) and worked as a researcher/visiting professor at the Department of Psychopedagogy and Andragogy at the Faculty of Education at the University of Montreal (Canada). He joined the first team of teachers of the Music-Licenciatura Course at the Federal University of Ceará-Campus Sobral in 2011, working in the Instrumental Practice-Winds study sector and being its coordinator (2013-2014). Research Productivity Scholarship from the Cearense Foundation to Support Scientific and Technological Development (FUNCAP).

Maria Edina Privino Veras

Graduated in Music from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral (2018). Since 2013, she has worked as a musician in bands and is currently a saxophonist in the Municipal Music Band of Sobral Maestro José Pedro and in the São Pedro Music Band of the Municipality of Miraíma. In addition to her work as a musician, she was a volunteer teacher for the children's musicalization project “The Sol”, collaborating with a team of three other teachers to develop musical activities in her hometown, Miraíma-CE.

Rita Helena Sousa Ferreira Gomes, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral

Graduated in Philosophy from the State University of Ceará (2000), with a Master's degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2003), she enjoyed a PDEE scholarship at the Université du Quebec à Montréal during 2005 and completed her Doctorate in Philosophy at UFMG ( 2007). She has been a professor at UFC / Sobral since 2007, being responsible for the 'General Philosophy' study sector. She is part of the teaching staff of the Professional Master's in Arts (UFC) and the Professional Master's in Psychology and Public Policy (UFC). She served as Visiting Professor at Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Vancouver / Canada (2014-2015). She coordinated the binational research (Brazil-Canada) and formed the team for other investigations in partnership with Canadian researchers from different provinces. She is a member of the research groups: PESQUISAMUS (Brazil) and is part of the support nucleus of the GT Hobbes of ANPOF. Currently, she is deputy director of UFC / Campus Sobral.

Roestel Gomes Lima

Academic in Music - Degree from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral. He is a classical guitarist and member of the university extension project “Clube do Violão” (2023-current). He received a scholarship from the Teaching Initiation Program (PIBID), where he worked as a teacher in the basic education network in the municipality of Sobral (2023-2024). He is a fellow of the Reception and Permanence Incentive Program (PAIP), working on the project “Trajectories and Actions of the UFC / Sobral Music Course” (TAMus) (2024-current).

Simone Santos Sousa

She is a singer, songwriter and researcher from Ceará. PhD in Music from Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) with research involving somatic education and singing voice. Master in Education from UFC and graduated in Music (UECE) and Performing Arts (IFCE). She is currently coordinator of the Music / Degree course at the Federal University of Ceará at Campus Sobral, where she is also a teacher of subjects related to voice and conducting. She is a certified professional of somatic practices: Anti-gymnastics, Bertazzo Method and GDS Method of Muscle and Joint Chains. Her first album, Mar do Meu Amar, was released in 2019 with sponsorship from the Department of Culture of the State of Ceará.

Terezinha Vitória dos Santos

She has a degree in Music from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral (2018). She works as a singer, violinist and vocal technique teacher. Since 2023, she has been a temporary Elementary School Art teacher (Final Series) in the municipal network of Morrinhos-CE.

Ticiane Érica Ricardo Rodrigues

Bachelor of Economic Sciences from the Federal University of Ceará, Campus Sobral (2021). Active in research projects in the area of ​​Education, focusing on longitudinal quantitative surveys. She is a member of the Research Group of the Laboratory for Research and Practices in Musical Education (LaPPEM). She is also an Occupational Safety Technician, graduated from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará (IFCE), Campus Sobral, working in Civil Construction (2018).

Yanaêh Vasconcelos Mota, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Campus Sobral

She is a professor of the Music - Degree course at the Federal University of Ceará, Campus Sobral, working in the Low Frictional String Studies Sector (cello and acoustic double bass). Currently, she is a PhD student in Music (concentration area: Music Education) at the Postgraduate Program in Music at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGMus / UFRGS); Master in Music (concentration area: Music Education) from PPGMus at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (PPGMus/UFRN) and Degree in Music from the State University of Ceará (UECE). Research on gender and sexuality in music education. She was a member of the Music Studies and Research Group, at UFRN, and the Music and School Group, at UFRGS. She coordinates the UFC / Sobral Chamber Orchestra, the UFC / Sobral Youth String Orchestra and is a collaborator and member of the UFC / Sobral Symphony Orchestra.

Capa 10 anos do curso de música



May 28, 2024