Agrarian History Migrations and Slavery
1. Agrarian history. 2. Migrations. 3. Slavery. 4. Territorialization. 5. Agriculture- History.Synopsis
Book with articles presented at the VI International Seminar on History and Historiography. The works gathered here were part of the Thematic Symposia “Agrarian history and displacements: land, work and migrations”, “Work, culture and migrations (North, Northeast and Central-West)”, “Amazon, migrations and work”, “ History and Historiography of the Sertões in multiple readings” and “Black slavery of African origin in northern Brazil”. Through the texts gathered here, the reader will be able to undertake a long temporal and spatial immersion, focusing on the North and Northeast regions of the country. Looking through the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, there are studies that consider the different forms of access and use of land, as well as the variety of types of work and conflicts in rural areas.
Rita Project and the “alliance for progress” in northeastern Brazil (1945-1973)
From the Potiguar backlands to the Amazon rubber plantations: drought, state and migration
Agriculture between Culture and Business: Peasant clashes in the 21st century, Apodi - RN
“Agrarian reform is done with men, not with the land”: the “law of ox” as a social reproduction strategy of dominant groups agrarians (1968-1985)
Village lands in the 19th century Amazon
From captive of the land to enslaved worker in the Amazon (1970- 2000)
Land, displacement and slave labor (Miguel Alves, Piauí 1980- 2020)
The reinvention of child labor in the 19th century in the Cariri region
The health of workers in the Legião Cearense do Trabalho project: Fortaleza: 1931-1934
The construction of the demographic void and the erasure of peoples indigenous people
Retreatants from the north, migration and agricultural colony Socorro (PE) in drought of 1877-79
“Displaced People from Drought” at Hospedaria Getúlio Vargas: trajectories of migration to different locations (Fortaleza/CE, 1950s)
Daily life of domestic workers in Fortaleza (1920 -1940)
“Who cleans the cities? Poor workers and everyday life in Fortaleza (1900 - 1930)
Peasant-workers: work and social identity of country people migrants in the construction of the Araras Dam (1951-1958)
Popular movements during droughts in Ceará (1979-1993)
Joaquim Antonio de Amorim
Neighborhood, sociability and party: Fortaleza workers in 1920s and 1930s
Imperialism, native peoples and violence in travel narratives by Roger Casement
Lying in a splendid cradle. The dream of Brazil power, government development projects
Dis (sewing) senses: the cowboy from the northeastern hinterland in discursive space of Brazilian fashion
Paper territories: the modernization of the Ceará territory in Historical cartographies from the second half of the 19th century
The backlands from the perspective of Ademar Vidal and the writing of a script about Paraíba
The Alto Sertão do Cariri: the Empire of Brazil and the Pinto revolt Madeira with its army of ‘goats’
Letters, memories and representations of the Seridó backlands
The backlands as a space of interests: territorial expansion in the War dos Bárbaros (Rio Grande, second half of the 17th century)
Cangaço narratives and (re)experiences of the past: The Cangaceiros by Paulo Afonso
The backlands in art: representations and contrasts in the Retirantes de series Cândido Portinari (20th century) and Thales Kelven (21st century)
Action of the Inquisition, the church and society in the inquisition processes in the backlands of Siará Grande (1750-1790)
Gender and Prostitution: history and memory in the backlands of Paraíba
The backlands in administrative and judicial sources (Seridó, century XVIII)
Malaise in the backlands: between scholars and politicians, Eloy de Souza against the droughts (1925-1940)
Charity, humanitarianism and freedom: the feminine rhetoric of Belenense abolitionism (1882-1888)
Travel literature
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