Manifestations of sexual diversity in Sobral/CE: Their social relevance - analysis and records


Stefânia Graciano Gameleira; Ana Lívia Ferreira da Costa; Francisco Anderson Morais Ares; Francisco Lucas de Sousa Lima; Regina Celi Fonseca Raick


Sexual diversity, Sobral, Health Promotion, Social Representations, Sexuality


In the writing of History, the interests, actions and rights of a minority group in a society are relegated to the background or even to the skeleton. This is more of a field of power dispute, in which the groups that hold hegemony impose their visions of the world and, consequently, normalize their conceptions and preconceptions.
To know a city, we must understand it in its fullness. And to understand the cultural construction of Sobral, it is necessary to identify each of its expressions.
The materiality, like the historical construction of a city like Sobral-CE, occurs collectively, with the contribution of each group that prints its traces, that lives in its own way.
In the case of the LGBTQIA+ community, whose cultural expressions are studied in this work, more than a mere record, but a way to mark positions and empower voices.


  • Presentation
  • Physical Spaces
  • Cultural Expressions

Author Biographies

Stefânia Graciano Gameleira

Lives and develops activities in Sobral (CE), graduating in the Bachelor of Social Sciences (UVA), heritage educator and researcher. Her professional direction is the ambition to enable the expansion and democratization of knowledge and discourse in the artistic, social and cultural universe. He has been a member of the event support team, training of cultural agents, research and curation of exhibitions at GEMAP (Museology, Art and Heritage Study Group/UVA) since 2018, with active participation in university extension, carrying out actions in the Extension Program Unidiversity/UVA. She contributes to the Instituto Atelier Livre in the research team, documentation, preparation of exhibition projects, logistics and project administration and is the author of the project and teacher of the workshop: Photography as an Instrument of Heritage Education: Photographing heritage is a way of experiencing them, launched in 2020.

Ana Lívia Ferreira da Costa

She is an urban planner and architect from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), with academic mobility at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). One of the founders of Coletivo Carcará, operating from 2018 to 2020 (@carcara.arq). She focuses on research on topics related to urbanism, urban planning, and technical assistance focused on the right to the city. In the context of cultural heritage, she developed the following article "Methodologies to democratize access to cultural heritage in the interior of Ceará". She has experience in conducting participatory workshops with communities, self-managed social groups and children. Its central interest is the collective construction based on social and territorial participation methodologies, whether in contexts of urban planning, popular plans, school training, thematic cartographies, among others. She has artistic experience in theater, having been a student in the first theater class at the Sobral School of Arts.

Francisco Anderson Morais Ares

He is a visual artist, lives and works in Sobral. Graduated in History – UVA. Specialist in art with emphasis on music – UECE and specialist in Cultural Management – UVA. Participated in the 70th Salão de Abril, Espaço Centro Cultural Belchior, 2019. Author of the exhibition Os Pensamentos do Coração, at Casa Absurda, 2019. Participated in the collective “If I screamed would trigger existence” with Curadoria Carolina Soares at the Sem Título gallery, 2018. Participated in the III Bienal Norte, Casa da Cultura de Sobral, 2018. Participated in the Exhibition “Artistas Sobralenses” Pinacoteca de Sobral, 2017 and in the 68th Salão de Abril Sequestrado, 2017. He was included in the Rede Nacional Funarte Artes Visuais 11th Edition Program 2014. Participated at the Bienal Norte in 2013 and at the Mostra Internacional Imprima 2012. At the Safra Sobral de Artes visuales 2005 exhibition he was awarded 3rd place and at Safra Sobral 2006 he received an honorable mention

Francisco Lucas de Sousa Lima

He is a historian, studying for a master's degree in teaching and training geography teachers at Vale do Acaraú State University (UVA). He works in the field of arts as a curator, exhibition assembler and traditional sculptor, with activities in the field of arts and culture, I highlight the mediation of the exhibition “Drawings” by Campelo Costa at the Casa da Cultura de Sobral in 2015, mediation at the Madi Museum in Sobral from 2017 to 2018 and mediation in the exhibition “A century of Brazilian art (1918-2018)” by Max Perllingero at the Casa de Cultura de Sobral. He taught a sculpture workshop through the Horizontalidades project at Escola Reticências in 2021 and in the Lab Escultura project supported by LEI ALDIR BLANC Nº 003/2020 – SECJEL. As a curator, he worked at the Roberto Galvão Mato Branco Exhibition at UVA 2012-2019 and at the exhibition (Re) Visão: Arte em Processo, at Atelier 156, 2021. He remains committed to education, arts and culture as tools for transforming reality.

Regina Celi Fonseca Raick

She is a sociologist from the University of Brasília, with a master's degree in Art History (UNL) and Anthropology (UNB). She carried out field research with northeastern market traders, artisans and visual artists, and was responsible for the first survey of the Carlos Lacerda collection of art materials donated to UNB and incorporated into the Central Library collection. As a higher education professor, she developed research in the area of plastic arts: materials, expressions and curated exhibitions by young artists who made up the arts scene: Generation 80. She became a professor at UVA where she created Atelier Livre in 2000, promoted and created curated exhibitions, documented the artistic and cultural manifestations of Sobral, created and carried out 22 editions of Museological Experiences/UVA and guided the production of more than 200 mini documentaries on heritage and regional memory through the subject of the UVA History Course – Heritage Education.

Capa Manifestações da Diversidade Sexual em Sobral-CE



December 1, 2023