On the Margins of History: representations and Restriction of Rights in Contemporary Brazil


Cícero João da Costa Filho (ed)


Minorities, Brazil, Representations, Rights, Contemporary


If black people, with their abundant cultural tradition, were marginalized, what about minorities, such as the LGBTS+ group, women, former slaves, who would be disabled for the rest of their lives roaming the streets? From this perspective, the collection is a cry against oblivion, against the traditional paradigm of history, which has been changing, given the studies of black writers emphasizing a new vision regarding black culture; excellent literature brings necropolitics, decolonization, etc., to the agenda. Studies on gender are already a reality, dismissing sexuality as a simple issue linked to the sexual organ. The “minorities” need to become the majority so that History can contemplate what is within the scope of human culture.


  • God's trick
    a “conversation” about power, hierarchies, knowledge production and (in)visibilities
    Carolina Barbosa de Albuquerque, Auta Jeane da Silva Azevedo
  • Race and nationality
    Brazil’s Catholic, anti-Semitic (eliminationist) project, a ‘strong state’ by Gustavo Barroso in the 1930s
    Cícero João da Costa Filho
  • The end of the present world
    challenges, practices and readings about the feminine in cordel literature
    Katiana Alencar Bernardo, José Rodrigues Filho
  • Aphasias and allegories in the Brazilian black movement
    Márcia Regina, Lia Keller Ferreira da Costa
  • “I’m a man, I’m a queer, I’m a woman, I’m the table and chairs of this cabaret”
    prostitution in the transvestite (trans) experience
    Hian Cássyo Dantas de Oliveira, Francisco Francinete Leite Junior, Maria Cristina Lopes de Almeida Amazonas
  • Alcoholism and segregation
    the function of anonymity in the Alcoholics Anonymous fraternity
    Raul Max Lucas da Costa, Leonardo Danziato
  • The materialization of hate in massacred bodies
    a geographic contribution of criminal practices against LGBTI+ in the Brazilian Northeast
    Wilians Ventura Ferreira Souza, Carlos Alberto Feliciano
  • Covid-19 and a world to come
    Sara Freitas, Paulo Rogers Ferreira
  • The wanderings of rap and funk
    a brief perspective on urban peripheries
    Yuri Costa Moraes da Silva, Thaylla Regina Frazão de Assumpção


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Author Biographies

Cícero João da Costa Filho

Bachelor and degree in History from the Federal University of Ceará and in Philosophy from the State University of Ceará. He studied for a master's degree, doctorate and post-doctorate at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences at the University of São Paulo. He completed a second post-doctoral course at the same institution with research entitled “Integralism and Political Theory: Miguel Reale and his analysis of the State, Power, Law and Society (1931-1960)”. He is the author of the books Padaria Espiritual: cultura e Política em Fortaleza at the end of the 19th century (1892-1898) (Ed. LCTE, 2016); Sílvio Romero: literature, race and politics (1851-1914) (Ed. Porto de Ideias, 2017); On the threshold of races: Sílvio Romero (1870-1914) (Ed. Todas as Musas, 2016).

Carolina Barbosa de Albuquerque

PhD student in Anthropology at the Federal University of Pernambuco. Master in Anthropology from the Federal University of Pernambuco (PPGA-UFPE). Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences with a concentration in Anthropology from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG).

Auta Jeane da Silva Azevedo, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)

He holds a degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2005). She has experience in the field of Education, with an emphasis on non-formal education and gender, having worked in the field of NGOs, alongside social movements. She coordinates social and cultural projects in the Coque community and is part of a collective of women in the same community. She is currently a doctoral candidate in the Postgraduate Program in Anthropology at the Federal University of Pernambuco, where she carries out studies and research on feminism, black women, anthropology and the right to the city from a feminist perspective. She works as a substitute teacher in the Department of School Administration and Educational Planning at the Education Center of the Federal University of Pernambuco.

Katiana Alencar Bernardo

Master in History from the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), in the research line: “Cultural History of educational practices”. Graduated in History from the Federal University of Campina Grande/CFP (Campus de Cajazeiras).

José Rodrigues Filho

Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Social History at the University of São Paulo (PPGHS/USP), in the line of Material and Visual Culture, Historiography and Documentation. CNPq scholarship holder. Graduated in History from the Federal University of Campina Grande, Teacher Training Center (UFCG/CFP).

Márcia Regina, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

PhD in Social History (UFF/RJ). Associate Professor at the History Department of the Institute of Society and Regional Development Sciences at the Fluminense Federal University.

Lia Keller Ferreira da Costa

Degree in History CHT/ESR/UFF. Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Social Policies at UENF.

Hian Cássyo Dantas de Oliveira, Seduc - Cariús-CE

Graduated in psychology from Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio (UNILEÃO). Collaborator of the project Psychology and sexual and gender diversity: The (trans) experiences in the education of bodies and gender creation of transvestites and transsexuals in Cariri Cearense. He has training in Psychological Assessment from the companies Ethos – Estudos e Psicologia Clínica and LM Psicologia. Professional psychologist from the Basic Education network in the municipality of Cariús-CE.

Francisco Francinete Leite Junior

Francisco Francinete Leite Junior, PhD student in Clinical Psychology from the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP) Master in Psychology from the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR). Graduated in History from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA) and Graduated in Psychology from Faculdade Leão Sampaio (FALS), he has a Specialization in Clinical and Institutional Psychopedagogy (KURIUS), Social History (URCA), School Management (FJN) and Elementary Education Methodology (FJN).

Maria Cristina Lopes de Almeida Amazonas

He has a doctorate - UNIVERSIDAD DE DEUSTO (1999). Adjunct Professor IV of the Undergraduate Course in Psychology and Postgraduate Course in Clinical Psychology at the Catholic University of Pernambuco. Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Clinical Psychology at UNICAP (2007 to 2009). General Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies at the Catholic University of Pernambuco (from January 2010 to January 2018).

Raul Max Lucas da Costa

Psychoanalyst, member of Aleph - School of Psychoanalysis (MG). Graduated in History from the State University of Ceará - UECE. Graduated in Psychology from the University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR. Master in Social History from the Federal University of Ceará - UFC. PhD in Psychology from UNIFOR. Professor of the Psychology course at Centro Universitário Dr. Leão Sampaio - UNILEAO.

Leonardo Danziato

Psychoanalyst. PhD in Sociology from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Full Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR).

Wilians Ventura Ferreira Souza

Master's student in geography at the São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” - Presidente Prudente-SP Campus. Researcher at the Center for Agrarian Reform Studies, Research and Projects – NERA. Member of the Memory Center and Union Hemeroteca “Florestan Fernandes” – CEMOSI.

Carlos Alberto Feliciano

Bachelor's degree and degree in Geography from USP (1999), with a Master's degree (2003) and doctorate (2009) from the Postgraduate Program in Human Geography/USP. He held the position of Ombudsman at the Fundação Instituto de Terras do Estado de São Paulo, a public institution linked to the Secretariat of Justice and the Defense of Citizenship of the State of São Paulo, from 2007 to 2008.

Sara Freitas

PhD in Sociology from the State University of Campinas/UNICAMP. Post-doctorate from University College London/UCL- United Kingdom. Post-doctorate in Political Sciences at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), and researcher at the Center for Studies in Politics, State and Capitalism in Latin America – NEPEC /UFRGS.

Paulo Rogers Ferreira

PhD in Anthropology from Université Laval, Canada. Adjunct Professor at the Multidisciplinary Health Institute of the Federal University of Bahia (IMS-CAT/UFBA).

Yuri Costa Moraes da Silva

Fluminense Federal University – PPGDAP. Development Agency: CAPES.

Thaylla Regina Frazão de Assumpção

Fluminense Federal University – PPGS.

Capa Às margens da História



July 1, 2021